Detection coverage control is one of the most important topics in the intrusion detection problem of wireless sensor networks (WSN). However, its converse, i.e., to design an object locomotion trajectory in WSN, has not received enough attention. This article proposes a heuristic algorithm, namely, the security & speed (SS) algorithm, to depict such a trajectory that takes into consideration both security and speed. The merit of the SS algorithm is its topology independency. When compared with traditional algorithms, the SS algorithm approaches the optimal trajectory better, and enjoys considerably lower computational load, and a better and adjustable tradeoff between trajectory security and speed.
从进攻方的角度出发,该文研究目标如何以尽可能低的发现概率,消耗尽可能少的时间穿越已被传感器节点监控的区域。基于此研究目标,提出一种兼顾安全和时效性能的SS(Security and Speed)启发式的移动轨迹策略和相应的评价指标——综合增益Integrated Gain(IG)。此策略无需全网拓扑信息的支持,能动态地反映目标对安全和时效两种性能的不同需求。通过仿真试验证明,该策略对网络中节点密度和分布有更低的敏感性;和经典的Voronoi算法相比,该策略克服Voronoi中存在的工作盲区和轨迹蔓延的问题,平均综合增益更加接近理想算法的结果,而计算复杂度却远远低于理想算法。