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4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Transferability of Microsatellite Markers from Brachypodium distachyon to Miscanthus sinensis,a Potential Biomass Crop被引量:2
Miscanthus sinensis has high biomass yield and contributed two of the three genomes in M. x giganteus, a bioenergy crop widely studied in Europe and North America, and thus is a potential biomass crop and an important germplasm for Miscanthus breeding. Molecular markers are essential for germplasm evaluation, genetic analyses and new cultivar development in M. sinensis. In the present study, we reported transferability of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from Brachypodium distachyon to M. sinensis. A set of 57 SSR markers evenly distributed across the B. distachyon genome were deliberately designed. Out of these B. distachyon SSR markers, 86.0% are transferable to M. sinensis. The SSR loci amplified in M. sinensis were validated by re-sequencing the amplicons. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of the transferable SSR markers varied from 0.073 to 0.375 with a mean of 0.263, assessed based on 21 M. sinensis genotypes. Phylogenetic tree based on 162 alleles detected by 49 SSR markers could unambiguously distinguish B. distachyon from M. sinensis, and cluster 21 M. sinensis genotypes into three groups that are basically in coincidence with their geographical distribution and ecotype classifications. The markers developed by the comparative genomic approach could be useful for germplasm evaluation, genetic analysis, and marker-assisted breeding in Miscanthus.
Hua ZhaoJiangyan YuFrank M. YouMingcheng LuoJunhua Peng
为了筛选出一些有用可靠的分子标记,应用于禾本科能源植物的遗传进化研究及种质资源评价,检测了48对源于小麦(Triticum aestivum)EST序列的SSR引物对7种有潜力的禾本科能源植物:斑茅(Saccharumarundinaceum)、中国芒(Miscanthus sinensis)、五节芒(M.floridulus)、河八王(Narenga porphyrocoma)、南荻(Triarrhena lutarioriparia)、菅(Themeda villosa)和香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides)的可转移性。结果表明,在48对小麦EST-SSR引物中,36对具可转移性,可转移率为75.0%。这些可转移引物在7个物种中共检测出240个位点,其中多态性位点为184个,多态位点百分率高达76.7%。每个位点的PIC变幅为0~0.370,平均为0.220。利用EST-SSR数据构建了所研究的7种禾本科植物的系统发育树,其中斑茅、河八王、南荻及菅被聚为A组,中国芒和五节芒聚为B组,香根草单独聚为C组,基本与形态学分类一致。因此,小麦EST-SSR分子标记在禾本科近源物种中的可转移性较高,对禾本科能源植物的遗传育种研究具有重要的参考价值。
Recycling Isolation of Plant DNA,A Novel Method被引量:5
DNA is one of the most basic and essential genetic materials in the field of molecular biology. To date, isolation of sufficient and good- quality DNA is still a challenge for many plant species, though various DNA extraction methods have been published. In the present paper, a recycling DNA extraction method was proposed. The key step of this method was that a single plant tissue sample was recycled for DNA extraction for up to four times, and correspondingly four DNA precipitations (termed as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th DNA sample, respectively) were conducted. This recycling step was integrated into the conventional CTAB DNA extraction method to establish a recycling CTAB method. This modified CTAB method was tested in eight plant species, wheat, sorghum, barley, corn, rice, Brachy- podium distachyon, Miscanthus sinensis and tung tree. The results showed that high-yield and good-quality DNA samples could be obtained by using this new method in all the eight plant species. The DNA samples were good templates for PCR amplification of both ISSR and SSR markers. The recycling method can be used in multiple plant species and can be integrated with multiple conventional DNA isolation methods, and thus is an effective and universal DNA isolation method.
Lingling ZhangBo WangLei PanJunhua Peng
麻风树(Jatropha curcas)是世界上最有潜力的能源植物之一。本研究针对来自全国6省区的219份麻风树种质资源,应用SSR分子标记对其进行了初步的遗传多样性分析。根据公共数据库中的所有序列设计出了20对SSR及4对eSSR引物,这些引物均能很好地扩增麻风树DNA片段。在上述24个SSR标记中,有8个(33.33%)探测到麻风树群体的DNA多态性。这24个SSR标记共扩增出36个位点,平均每个标记扩增1.5个位点,其中12个(33.33%)位点显现出多态性。这表明中国麻风树是一个具有中等SSR多态性水平的物种,其多态百分率为33.3%。