青弋江是长江下游最大的一条支流,发源于安徽省黄山北麓。野外考察发现青弋江在泾县段共发育了三级河流阶地,其中最高阶地(T3)存在两个天然剖面,即CB-T3剖面和SJ-T3剖面。运用电子自旋共振(ESR)测年法,并结合相关文献资料,确定青弋江泾县段最高阶地的形成年代并探讨其构造气候意义。研究结果表明:青弋江泾县段最高阶地的年代约900 ka B.P.,是早中更新世过渡时期河流作用的产物;青弋江泾县段900 ka B.P.阶地是可能是构造抬升和东亚夏季风变化共同作用下的产物,其中构造抬升为阶地的形成提供了河流下切的动力条件,而东亚夏季风的强度变化为阶地的形成提供了气候条件。研究结果有助于为长江中下游地区的河流地貌研究提供基础数据和参考资料。
运用空间热点分析定量分析了生态系统服务在不同尺度上的空间分异特征,基于四象限模型对生态质量进行评价,并采用地理探测器探讨影响其空间分异的主要驱动因素。结果表明:(1)生态系统服务价值(Ecosystem Service Value, ESV)存在显著的空间异质性,分布格局呈现空间自相关性,冷热点分布具有明显尺度效应。(2)示范区人类活动强度与ESV耦合程度基本协调一致,生态质量总体状况较好。人类活动强度与ESV耦合程度因研究尺度不同而存在一定差异。(3)各探测因子的解释力在县域和乡镇尺度上存在显著差异,社会经济驱动因素在县域尺度上解释力大于乡镇尺度。各驱动因子之间存在明显的协同增强效应,双因子交互作用增强了对ESV空间分异的解释力。
以兰州盆地0.8 Ma B.P.阶地为例证,运用古地磁测年方法,通过收集相关文献,分析讨论了0.8 Ma B.P.阶地与0.8 Ma B.P.环境突变事件的联系。结果表明:①0.8 Ma B.P.环境突变事件主要表现在气候转型、构造运动等方面,具有群发性和全球性特点;②兰州盆地以及其他区域0.8 Ma B.P.阶地存在的证据,表明河流在0.8 Ma B.P.前后普遍发生过一次下切事件;③0.8 Ma B.P.阶地是河流对0.8 Ma B.P.环境突变事件的地貌响应,构造运动为提供了下切驱动力,而气候变化则控制了下切时间。
On the northern fringe of Mt. Huangshan, many fiver terraces are developed at the junction between mountains and plains. The fiver terraces are most typical in the Jingxian Basin, Anhui Province, where the Qingyijiang River, one of the longest tributaries of the lower Yangtze River, developed three staircase terraces. The topmost terrace (i.e., the T3 terrace) tread is 38 - 39 m above fiver level, and the top of the gravels is generally covered by 3 - 10.9 m of red clay deposits. Systematic magnetostratigraphy and electron spin resonance dating are used to research the timing of the establishment of the Qingyijiang River. The main results show that the topmost terrace developed no later than 900 kyr ago and that the appearance of the Qingyijiang River occurred correspondingly at least before 900 kyr ago on the northern fringe of Mt. Huangshan. In view of the almost synchronous age,the establishment of the Qingyijiang River was seemingly a response to the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution when the 100 kyr cycle commenced, and the Kunlun-Huanghe movement during the early- middle Pleistocene transition. In addition, the establishment of the Qingyijiang River possibly reflected the birth of the modem Yangtze River to some degree. Therefore the timing of the formation of the Yangtze River is restricted to no later than 900 kyr ago based on the appearance of the Qingyijiang River .
HU Chun-shengHU Chen-qiLIU Shao-chenXU Guang-laiWU LiYANG Li-hui