Formation and preservation of greigite can indicate the physicochemical characteristics of sedimentary environment. Presence of greigite can be diagnosed in the late Pleistocene fluvio-lacustrine sedimentary layers of 29.4–29.7 and 26.1–27.1 m in core ZK30 of the Yellow River delta, based on analysis of particle size, magnetic properties, scanning electron microscope(SEM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD) measurements. These layers are the transition zones from shallow marine facies to fluvio- lacustrine facies, and from fluvio-lacustrine facies to salt marsh facies in an ascending order, respectively. They are characterized by higher SIRM and SIRM/χ(>30 kA m-1) values than those of other layers, suggesting the possible existence of greigite. Both SEM and XRD analyses confirm its presence. However, sediment layer of 29.4–29.7 m are coarser, and greigite coexists with pyrite, but sediment layer of 26.1–27.1 m are finer and the occurrence of greigite is not accompanied by pyrite. The different occurrence of greigite in the two layers suggests that different climate condition and sedimentary environment control its formation and preservation.
WANG YongHongZHANG WeiGuoLIU XiuJinLI GuangXueLIU Meng
西太平洋暖池(Western Pacific Warm Pool, WPWP)指位于热带太平洋中、西部(包括南海南部和苏禄海)年平均水温超过28℃的广大海域。由于巨厚的表层暖水覆盖,西太平洋暖池成为全球热量和水汽交互的重要源区,对驱动温盐环流、调节全球气候变化具有重要作用。东亚冬季风(EAWM)是全球气候系统中最活跃的组成部分之一,它可能会通过寒潮侵入热带地区,引起深层对流,以此加强暖池区的对流活动和降水异常,从而影响赤道地区的潜热释放。但地质历史时期西太平洋暖池与东亚冬季风的相互作用关系尚不明确。由于东亚冬季风携带的风尘中往往包含有大颗粒的高矫顽力磁性矿物,我们可以通过沉积物中磁性矿物的组合、含量、颗粒大小和形态变化,分析不同时间尺度上气候环境变化和风尘物质的输入情况,进而反演东亚冬季风的强度变化。本文对取自热带西太平洋B10钻孔的岩心样品进行了环境磁学测试,以揭示地质历史时期西太平洋暖池沉积物环境磁学特征对东亚冬季风的响应。实验结果表明,沉积物中的主要载磁矿物为低矫顽力的磁铁矿,属于亚铁磁性矿物,并含有少量高矫顽力磁性矿物。沉积物中的磁性颗粒以准单畴(PSD)颗粒为主。高矫顽力的磁性矿物含量和细颗粒磁铁矿相对含量在冰期和间冰期呈现出显著相对变化,对东亚冬季风的变化有敏感响应:冰期沉积物中高矫顽力矿物含量增多,磁性颗粒粒径变大;间冰期沉积物中高矫顽力矿物含量降低,磁性颗粒粒径变细。在干燥、寒冷的冰期,由风尘携带而来的高矫顽力磁性矿物相对含量增加,沉积物中的磁性颗粒粒径变大,反映冰期东亚冬季风强度增大;在气候温暖湿润的间冰期,风尘的输入量较小,由风尘携带的高矫顽力磁性矿物含量相对较低,沉积物中的磁性颗粒粒径变小,反映间冰期东亚冬季风的强度减弱。
Previous studies carried out in the East China Sea (ECS) mud area focused on long-term environmental changes in sedimentary records during the Holoeene, especially during the mid-Holocene high-stand water levels period. These results indicate that sensitive grain size groups can be used as a sedimentary proxy to reconstruct the evolution of the East Asian Winter Monsoon (EAWM). The studies have been carried out mainly in the northern and middle portions of the Zhejiang-Fujian coastal mud, however, similar research in the southern portion and the comparison between sedimentary proxy and modern measured data of EAWM are lacking. In this paper, we focused on a sedimentary record of the past 100 years with an enhanced resolution of 1.8 years. Investigations of the southern end of the Zhejiang-Fujian coastal mud area were conducted on the basis of 21~Pb chronology, grain-size analysis and chemical element analysis. The correspondence between the mean grain size (Mz) of sediment sensitive grain size and the measured EAWM was confirmed for the first time. We found that during the recent 100 years, the variation of the mean grain size of the sensitive population in the southern portion of the Zhejiang-Fujian mud was mainly controlled by the EAWM intensity changes; and not directly related to changes in the sediment discharge from Datong station of the Changjiang River (DTSD). Finally, recent changes in the content of heavy metals in study area reflect the impact of human activities on the environment.
Tidal data from Weizhou, Zhapo, and Shanwei stations between 1969 and 2010 and from five gauging stations in the western Pacific Ocean provided by PSMSL, and the global mean sea level data recorded between December 1992 and December 2010 by TOPEX and Jason satellites were compiled and analyzed. The results show that the perennial mean sea level near Weizhou Island is 211.7 cm(relative to the water gauge zero), and the relative mean sea level rising rate is 2.2 mm yr-1 from 1969 to 2010, which is consistent with the relative mean sea level rising rate recorded at other gauging stations in the western Pacific regions and with the global mean sea level rising rate. The absolute mean sea level rising rate at Weizhou Island is 3.0 mm yr-1 from 1993 to 2010, also conforming with the global mean sea level rising rate(3.1±0.4 mm yr-1) during the same time period. The highest annual tide level at Weizhou Island has a rising rate of 4.6 mm yr-1 and shows a 20-year quasi-periodic variation from 1966 to 2010. The primary cause of the mean sea level rising is global warming.