Based on the high speed video system with electrical signals collecting and wavelet analyzing, the welding processes under three different median currents with the same median time were detected. The experimental results show that, when the median current is higher, the input peak energy is lower. And the droplet transfer is almost in spray mode. The welding process is the stablest.
提出了一种基于大步距标定和局部牛顿(Newton)插值的焊接参数自调节算法,不仅可以实现参数调节的一元化,还将数字化焊机的数据库由静态数据库模式转变为具有自学习和自调节功能的动态数据库模式,为数字弧焊电源向智能化方向发展提供了一种有效的演进策略.结果表明,这种算法可以实现数字化焊机参数在较大范围内的连续自调节;用生成的脉冲型熔化极气体保护焊(pulsed gas metal arc welding,P-GMAW)参数进行试焊,焊接过程稳定,焊缝成形良好;采用具有不同优先级的焊接参数存储模式可以实现焊接参数的最优化.
Based on double pulse welding process characteristics, expert database structure and work flow are designed. Further, multiple outstanding specifications of 1.0 ram-diameter wire are obtained through a large number of experiments. By making non-linear regression analysis on these groups of standards, the relationship between average welding current and other pulse parameters can be found out. Polynomial regression equation is set up for further realization of" parameter estimation function of the expert database. Finally, the preliminary developed expert database is tested. The result indicates that the unified adjusting and parameters estimation of the expert database leads to stable welding process and good weld appearance.