The theory of (n) truth degrees of formulas is proposed in modal logic for the first time. A consistency theorem is obtained which says that the (n) truth degree of a modality-free formula equals the truth degree of the formula in two-valued propositional logic. Variations of (n) truth degrees of formulas w.r.t. n in temporal logic is investigated. Moreover, the theory of (n) similarity degrees among modal formulas is proposed and the (n) modal logic metric space is derived therefrom which contains the classical logic metric space as a subspace. Finally, a kind of approximate reasoning theory is proposed in modal logic.
The concept of locally strong compactness on domains is generalized to general topological spaces. It is proved that for each distributive hypercontinuous lattice L, the space SpecL of nonunit prime elements endowed with the hull-kernel topology is locally strongly compact, and for each locally strongly compact space X, the complete lattice of all open sets O(X) is distributive hypercontinuous. For the case of distributive hyperalgebraic lattices, the similar result is given. For a sober space X, it is shown that there is an order reversing isomorphism between the set of upper-open filters of the lattice O(X) of open subsets of X and the set of strongly compact saturated subsets of X, which is analogous to the well-known Hofmann-Mislove Theorem.