目的:构建一种纳米材料的新型酶电极。方法:将酪氨酸酶固定在纳米金修饰的金电极表面,用电化学分析法在乙腈介质中对其组装过程以及活性进行了表征。结果:基于构建的新型酶电极,对儿茶酚的催化响应显示了良好的线性关系,该酶电极最大响应电流密度为23.6μA/cm2,米氏常数为4.28 mm o l/L。结论:该酶电极在乙腈介质中测定儿茶酚,显示良好灵敏度和稳定性。
Aroyl isothiocyanate is synthesized by the reaction of aroyl chloride with ammoniurrthiocyanate under the condition of solid1iquid phase transfer catalysis using PEG-400 as the catalyst.The tater needs not to be isolated and is reacted with aromatic amine immediately to give N-aroy 1-N′-aryl thiourea derivatives in high yield.The promoting effects of the title compounds on wheat growth are tested preliminily.