In this paper we provide a unified framework for consensus tracking of leader-follower multi-agent systems with measurement noises based on sampled data with a general sampling delay. First, a stochastic bounded consensus tracking protocol based on sampled data with a general sampling delay is presented by employing the delay decomposition technique. Then, necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for guaranteeing leader-follower multi-agent systems with measurement noises and a time-varying reference state to achieve mean square bounded consensus tracking. The obtained results cover no sampling delay, a small sampling delay and a large sampling delay as three special cases. Last, simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.
This paper is concerned with the stochastic bounded consensus tracking problems of leader-follower multi-agent systems, where the control input of an agent can only use the information measured at the sampling instants from its neighbours or the virtual leader with a time-varying reference state, and the measurements are corrupted by random noises. The probability limit theory and the algebra graph theory are employed to derive the necessary and sufficient conditions guaranteeing the mean square bounded consensus tracking. It is shown that the maximum allowable upper boundary of the sampling period simultaneously depends on the constant feedback gains and the network topology. Furthermore, the effects of the sampling period on the tracking performance are analysed. It turns out that from the view point of the sampling period, there is a trade-off between the tracking speed and the static tracking error. Simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.