阐述如何在个性化、立体化、交互化和泛在化的智慧教育指导下,将网络化的信息平台作为促进学生自主性、研究性和创造性学习的多层面和多维度的有效工具,并将MOOC(massive open online course,大规模在线课程)课程引入到计算机网络课程的协同教学过程中,培养学生的自主性、能动性和独立性。指出通过优质教育资源的共享与整合,将更有利地培养学生的创造性和创新思维。
An automatic detection and evaluation method of the Erhua (also called r-retroflexion or retroflex suffixation) in the Putonghua proficiency test (PSC) is proposed. Based on the framework of the computer assisted pronunciation evaluation system, the present authors made an in-depth analysis of phonologic rules and acoustic characteristics of the Erhua, and solved the detection and evaluation of the Erhua as a typical classification problem. Then more rep- resentative acoustic features were selected and a variety of different classification algorithms were used. The results showed that the boosting classification and regression tree (Boosting CART) could make full use of the characteristics of the Erhua, and the classification accuracy was 92.41%. Based on further analysis of the acoustic feature group, it was found that formant, pronunciation confidence and duration were the most important clues of the Erhua, and these clues could effectively realize the automatic detection and evaluation of the Erhua.