The traditional matched field processing localization need complicated computation to get the replica field and has high dependence on environment parameters and acoustic field model. To overcome the shortcoming, virtual receiver technique is used for source ranging. A virtual receiver is constructed by correlating the two signals of the guide source and the objective source received by a vertical line array. Then, the slope of the interference striation of the virtual field is estimated using relevant signal processing method. Combining with the waveguide invariant/3, the range of the objective source is determined. Through the numerical simulations and data processing collected from the experiment carried out in the South China Sea in 2004, the virtual receiver technique for broadband source ranging under the slope- bottom shallow water environment is discussed. As the frequency increases, the frequency bands should be broadened to obtain complete interference striation for good ranging results. In data processing, the receiving array spacing is too large to promise the orthogonality of the modes as the frequency increases and ranging results become worse.
为了避开传统的匹配场目标定位技术对环境先验知识的依赖性,提出了在均匀浅海环境中只知道少量环境参数的情况下,利用垂直接收阵和不同距离上的两枚宽带引导声源重构声场对目标声源进行定位的一种方法。这种方法主要基于简正波估计和声场重构两种关键技术,同时省去了匹配场定位技术中大量的拷贝声场计算。数值仿真主要采用线性Bartlett匹配处理器分析了目标定位效果,在信噪比高于10 d B的情况下,定位效果良好。