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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-6
75K γ-黑麦碱基因的分子鉴定与转移
【目的】研究75K γ-黑麦碱基因的系统进化关系,并将秦岭黑麦75Kγ-黑麦碱基因导入普通小麦遗传背景中。【方法】利用75K γ-secalin亚基的特异引物secF/secR对5种黑麦进行扩增、克隆、测序及序列分析。以普通小麦(中国春)为母本,黑麦为父本,获得杂种。自杂种后代中,采SDS-PAGE技术分析杂交后代的75K γ-secalins蛋白亚基。用根尖制片进行体细胞染色体数目观察和原位杂交分析。【结果】序列分析结果表明,我国秦岭黑麦(AS156)与美国Wrens黑麦(CIse35)、土耳其4041黑麦(PI168199)、南非的Polko黑麦(PI412949)、智利278黑麦(PI436188)的栽培品系均具有75Kγ-黑麦碱典型的一级结构,但是在重复区中序列差异较大(包括缺失/插入和SNP)。聚类分析表明,我国的秦岭黑麦与同在北纬的土耳其和美国黑麦亲缘关系近,而与位于南纬的南非、智利的两种黑麦关系较远。以中国春为遗传背景,将位于秦岭黑麦2R染色体上的75Kγ-黑麦碱基因导入六倍体小麦,获得结实正常,农艺性状稳定的品系,编号WYQ122。通过SDS-PAGE技术和基因测序分析,已确认WYQ122中携带75Kγ-黑麦碱基因,同时原位杂交也验证黑麦染色体的存在。细胞学鉴定表明,WYQ122植株间染色体数目有41条和42条两种类型。【结论】黑麦的75Kγ-黑麦碱基因存在差异。以染色体代换系的方式将该基因转入普通小麦中。
Evaluation of Aegilops tauschii for Heading Date and Its Gene Location in a Re-synthesized Hexaploid Wheat被引量:2
The successful worldwide cultivation of hexaploid wheat in a diverse range of environments is because of, in part, breeding and selection for appropriate heading date. To adjust and fine-tune the heading time of hexaploid wheat to particular geographical regions and specific environment within these, there is an urgent need to evaluate and use alternative alleles for heading time. Aegilops tauschii, the donor species of D-genome of hexaploid wheat, has a wide geographic distribution. The present study revealed a wide variation for heading time among 56 Ae. tauschii accessions. All the accessions with short heading dates belonged to the ssp. tauschii, whereas most of ssp. strangulata accessions showed very long heading date. The heading date was also related to distribution of this species. The monotelosomic and monosomic analysis of a synthetic hexaploid wheat showed that chromosome 2D derived from ssp. tauschii accession AS60 had a major effect on promoting heading time with a reduction of more than 5 days. It is postulated that this Ae. tauschii genotype possess the allele Ppd-D^t1 responsible for the insensitivity to photoperiod. This allele is probably different from Ppd-D1 existing in hexaploid wheat. The new allele Ppd-D^t1 derived from Ae. tauschii might be used as a source for hexaploid wheat breeding on photoperiod response.
XIANG Zhi-guoZHANG Lian-quanNING Shun-zongZHENG You-LiangLIU Deng-cai
Distribution and Selective Effects of Vrn-A1,Vrn-B1,and Vrn-D1 Genes in Derivative Varieties from Four Cornerstone Breeding Parents of Wheat in China被引量:1
Vernalization, the process of a long exposure to low temperature to induce flowering in plants, is essential for plants to adapt to cold winters. The presence of vernalization genes Vrn-A1, -B1, and -D1 in four cornerstone breeding parents of wheat in China (Funo, Mentana, Yanda 1817, and Bima 4) and 322 derivative varieties (mostly winter wheat) from these parents were determined using PCR based molecular method. The frequencies of the VRN-1 genes in these derivative varieties were in order of Vrn-Dl(67.1%)〉 Vrn-Bl(19.6%)〉 Vrn-Al(5.3%), which are similar as the former conclusion that Vrn-D1 is associated with the latest heading time, Vrn-A1 the earliest, and Vrn-B1 intermediate values. The frequencies of Vrn-Al and Vrn-B1 loci in the derivative varieties from winter wheat zones were higher than that from spring winter zones. Based on the wheat breeding history in China and the fact of non-random distribution of Vrn-A1 and Vrn-B1 in the derivative varieties from the four parents, there could be a strong selective effect on VRN-1 genes in different regions where the derivative varieties were cultivated.
ZHANG YangLIU Wan-chenLI JunWEI Hui-tingHU Xiao-rongLI Yue-jianLU Bao-rongYANG Wu-yun
Production of aneuhaploid and euhaploid sporocytes by meiotic restitution in fertile hybrids between durum wheat Langdon chromosome substitution lines and Aegilops tauschii被引量:5
Fertile F1 hybrids were obtained between durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) Langdon (LDN) and its 10 disomic substitution (LDN DS) lines with Aegilops tauschii accession AS60 without embryo rescue. Selfed seedset rates for hybrids of LDN with AS60 were 36.87% and 49.45% in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Similar or higher selfed seedset rates were observed in the hybrids of 1D (1A), 1D (1B), 3D (3A), 4D (4B), 7D (7A), and 2D (2B) with AS60, while lower in hybrids of 3D (3B) + 3BL, 5D (5A) + 5AL, 5D (5B) + 5B and 6D (6B) + 6BS with AS60 compared with the hybrids of LDN with AS60. Observation of male gametogenesis showed that meiotic restitution, both first-division restitution (FDR) and single-division meiosis (SDM) resulted in the formation of functional unreduced gametes, which in turn produced seeds. Both euhaploid and aneuhaploid gametes were produced in F1 hybrids. This suggested a strategy to simultaneously transfer and locate major genes from the ancestral species T. turgidum or Ae. tauschii. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the aneuhaploid rates between the F1 hybrids of LDN and LDN DS lines with AS60, suggesting that meiotic pairing between the two D chromosomes in the hybrids of LDN DS lines with AS60 did not promote the formation of aneuhaploid gametes.
Lianquan ZhangQijiao ChenZhongwei YuanZhiguo XiangYouliang ZhengDengcai Liu
Synthetic hexaploid wheat and its utilization for wheat genetic improvement in China被引量:26
Synthetic hexaploid wheat (Triticum turgidum x Aegilops tauschii) was created to explore for novel genes from T. turgidum and Ae. tauschii that can be used for common wheat improvement. In the present paper, research advances on the utilization of synthetic hexaploid wheat for wheat genetic improvement in China are reviewed. Over 200 synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) accessions from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) were introduced into China since 1995. Four cultivars derived from these, Chuanmai 38, Chuanmai 42, Chuanmai 43 and Chuanmai 47, have been released in China. Of these, Chuanmai 42, with large kernels and resistance to stripe rust, had the highest average yield (〉 6 t/ha) among all cultivars over two years in Sichuan provincial yield trials, outyielding the commercial check cultivar Chuanmai 107 by 22,7%. Meanwhile, by either artificial chromosome doubling via colchicine treatment or spontaneous chromosome doubling via a union of unreduced gametes (2n) from T. turgidum-Ae, tauschii hybrids, new SHW lines were produced in China. Mitotic-like meiosis might be the cytological mechanism of spontaneous chromosome doubling. SHW lines with genes for spontaneous chromosome doubling may be useful for producing new SHW-alien amphidiploids and double haploid in wheat genetic improvement.
Wuyun YangDengcai LiuJun LiLianquan ZhangHuiting WeiXiaorong HuYouliang ZhengZhouhu HeYuchun Zou