硫在氢气中的燃烧反应在气象化学、燃烧反应和大气污染中都扮演着重要的角色,近年来一直受到广泛关注,其逆反应也渐渐成为人们的研究对象.以Lu¨等得到的精确势能面(Lu¨S J,Zhang P Y,Han K L,He G Z 2012 J.Chem.Phys.136 94308)为基础,用准经典轨线法对交换反应H(D)+SH/SD的动力学性质进行了研究.计算了包括反应截面、速率常数、不透明函数、产物振动和转动分布等在内的标量性质和包括产物散射方向、转动角动量定向和取向性质在内的矢量性质.详细分析了碰撞能量和同位素效应对反应H(D)+SH/SD的动力学性质的影响.结果表明,随着碰撞能量的增加,反应截面逐渐增大,产物的后向散射逐渐减弱,产物转动角动量的取向和定向性质逐渐增强;另外,同位素效应对反应的动力学性质也有明显的影响.以反应动力学性质和势能面为基础,详细讨论了反应H(D)+SH/SD的反应机制.
The quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) method is employed to calculate the stereodynamics of the abstraction reactions H/D + HS/DS based on an accurate potential energy surface [Lti S J, Zhang P Y, Han K L and He G Z 2012 J. Chem. Phys. 136 094308]. The reaction cross sections of the title reaction are computed, and the vector correlations for different collision energies and different initial vibrational states are presented. The influences of the collision energy and reagent vibration on the product polarization are studied, and the product polarizations of the title reactions are found to be distinctly different, which arises from the different mass factors, collision energies, and reagent vibrational states.