堆肥可以杀灭病原菌、抑制杂草、缓慢释放养分、改良土壤、保持水分,是农业可持续发展的重要措施。堆肥过程中释放出大量温室气体尤其是甲烷,对全球环境变化产生重要影响。本研究通过量化比较不同堆肥方式下温室气体排放规律和排放量,以期实现减少堆肥堆制过程中温室气体排放的堆放方式。采用静态箱法研究了强制通风加过磷酸钙、强制通风不加过磷酸钙、翻堆通风加过磷酸钙、翻堆通风不加过磷酸钙四种处理的温室气体排放量。76天堆肥结束时,翻堆处理总有机碳降解51%-55%,强制通风降解大约44%。翻堆加过磷酸钙和不加过磷酸钙处理的甲烷排放量分别为15.35和15.27 g Mg-1堆料,高于强制通风处理排放量(加过磷酸钙和不加过磷酸钙处理分别为7.76 g Mg-1堆料和3.22 g Mg-1堆料)。在N2O排放量上,强制通风处理小于0.1%初始含氮量,翻堆处理约为0.1%初始氮。通风和翻堆过程中能量消耗分别相当于3.27、3.4、12.29和11.89 kg CO2-C Mg-1 堆料。过磷酸钙对温室气体排放影响很小,可能是大量秸秆作为堆肥填充料的加入保持了肥堆的高孔隙度和良好的通风条件。因此虽然强制通风堆肥可以节省空间且操作方便 ,在大规模集约化处理畜禽粪便时广泛应用,但翻堆通风由于其低建设成本和低温室气体排放量,以及较高的有机质分解效率,更适宜在我国农村采用。
Biological nitrogen (N) fixation (BNF) plays a significant role in maintaining soil fertility in paddy field ecosystems. Rice variety influences BNF, but how different rice varieties regulate BNF and associated diazotroph communities has not been quantified. Airtight, field-based 15N2-labelling grow th chamber experiments were used to assess the BNF capac 辻 y of different rice varie ties. In addition, both the 16S rRNA and nifH genes were sequenced to assess the influence of different rice varieties on bacterial and diazotrophic communities in paddy soils. After subjecting a rice-soil system to 74 d of continuous airtight, field-based 15N2 labelling in pots in a growth chamber, the amounts of fixed N were 22.3 and 38.9 kg ha^-1 in inbred japonica (W23) and hybrid indica (IIY) rice cultivars plan ted in the rice-soil systems, respectively, and only 1%—2.5% of the fixed N was allocated to the rice plants and weeds. A greater abundance of diazotrophs was found in the surface soil (0-1 cm) under IIY than under W23. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene showed significantly greater abundances of the cyanobacterial genera Nostoc, Anabaena, and Cylindrospermum under IIY than under W23. Sequencing of the nifH gene also showed a significantly greater abundance of Nostoc under IIY than under W23. These results indicate that the hybrid rice cultivar (IIY) promoted BNF to a greater extent than the inbred rice cultivar (W23) and that the increase in BNF might have been due to the enhanced heterocystous cyanobacteria Nostoc.
MA JingBEI QichengWANG XiaojieLIU GangGeorg CADISCHLIN XingwuZHU JianguoSUN XiaoliXIE Zubin