针对三维喷绘机器人的作业需求,设计了一种基于FPGA的大型三维真彩色喷墨控制系统。系统以Virtex-II Pro FPGA内嵌的PowerPC405硬核为中心,通过移植Xilkernel嵌入式操作系统和LwIP网络协议,搭建了一个多任务实时处理平台;并自主设计了满足喷头控制时序的IP核及相应驱动,硬件协加速单元在位置触发信号的节拍控制下执行喷墨过程。试验结果表明,系统灵活性较强,实时性较好,能够准确、高速地进行三维真彩色喷墨。
A novel 7-axis robot for industrial large 3D printing applications is presented in this paper, which is developed by Institute of Robotics and Automatic Information System, Nankai University. Base on the prototype, the mechanism on three-dimensional printing is deeply dissected. By investigating the reason of color distortions in 3D printing, a novel multistep compensation algorithm based on model optimization and image compensation is developed. Finally, the experimental results show the performance of the 3D printing robot platform and the proposed algorithms.