The spectral spread of a graph is defined to be the difference between the largest and the least eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of the graph. A graph G is said to be bicyclic, if G is connected and |E(G)| = |V (G)| + 1. Let B(n, g) be the set of bicyclic graphs on n vertices with girth g. In this paper some properties about the least eigenvalues of graphs are given, by which the unique graph with maximal spectral spread in B(n, g) is determined.
An L(2, 1)-labelling of a graph G is a function from the vertex set V(G) to the set of all nonnegative integers such that │f(u) - f(v)│≥2 if dG(u, v) = 1 and │f(u) - f(v)│ ≥ 1 if dG(u, v) = 2. The L(2, 1)-labelling problem is to find the smallest number, denoted by A(G), such that there exists an L(2, 1)-labelling function with no label greater than it. In this paper, we study this problem for trees. Our results improve the result of Wang [The L(2, 1)-labelling of trees, Discrete Appl. Math. 154 (2006) 598-603].