Histological changes that occur during microsporogenesis are documented in a gene-cytoplasmic male sterile rice ( Oryza saliva L.) line, Zhen Shan 97A, its maintainer line, Zhen Shan 97B, and the restorer line, Ce64 of a Mine hybrid rice production system. In the restorer line, Ce64, the developing microsporocytes have dense cytoplasm and a distinct set of circumferential microtubules around the nucleus. Successive cytokinesis results in the formation of tetrads. The microtubules within the cells of tetrads and microspores radiate from the surface of the nucleus towards the outer edge of the cytoplasm. Subsequent pollen development is normal. During the course of microspore formation tubulin speckles can be found in the cytoplasm. The general pattern of development and microtubule organization in the maintainer lined Zhen Shan 97B, is similar to Ce64, except that a few more tubulin speckles appear during microspore formation. In the case of the mate sterile line, Zhen Shan 97A, a number of abnormalities can be discerned during early microsporogenesis. These include vacuoles forming within the developing microsporocyte and faintly stained microtubules with no defined distribution pattern. Prominent tubulin speckles are common within the cytoplasm. For those microsporocytes that undergo meiosis, no defined organizational patterns of microtubules can be found within the tetrad. All microspores abort soon after. Abnormalities and defects in microtubule organization observed in Zhen Shan 97A showed that complex interactions between the cytoplasm and the nucleus began at very early stage of microsporocyte development.
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the F-actin binding domain of mouse talin labels the actin cytoskeleton in the living generative and sperm cells of a third generation transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.) plant, A005-G-T-1-2. Observations were made on pollen at four major developmental stages, viz. I. uni-nucleate microspore stage; II. early bi-cellular pollen stage; III. late bi-cellular pollen stage; and IV. tri-cellular pollen stage. At each of these developmental stages vegetative nucleus, generative nucleus/ cell, and sperm cells were seen undergoing continuous and coordinated motion and migration. These movements seemed to be influenced by associated microfilament networks existing in the pollen. Based on these observations we propose that it is the interaction between the microfilament networks (usually one existing in the central cytoplasm and another in the cortex) that controls the dynamic movement of the vegetative nucleus, generative nucleus/cell and sperm cells. Furthermore, we have also observed that there is an array of microfilaments (oriented mostly parallel to the long axis of the cell) existing in the generative and sperm cells. As far as we are aware, this is the first report showing the existence of microfilaments in living generative and sperm cells of rice pollen. The implication and significance of the existence of microfilaments in generative and sperm cells in rendering self-propelled motion of these cells in relation to their passage and movement in the pollen tube and embryo sac for fertilization were discussed.