Orexin has several biological functions, including the regulation of reproductive endocrine signaling, which has received much attention. However, little is known about the mechanism through which orexin regulates the levels of neuroendocrine hormones and peptides. We injected orexin A or physiological saline into the lateral ventricle of 10 ovariectomized (OVX) gilts, and determined the subsequent changes in serum luteinizing hormone (LH) concentration by using radioimmunoassay (RIA). We also examined the expression of GnRH, NPY, and POMC mRNAs in the hypothalamus and that of LH, folliclestimulating hormone (FSH), POMC, and ghrelin mRNAs in the pituitary by using semi-quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. We found the following results: (1) Orexin A transiently promoted LH secretion; serum LH concentration started to increase at 10 min after the orexin injection, peaked at 30 min, and returned to its initial level at 1.5 h; (2) orexin A upregulated GnRH mRNA expression and downregulated NPY and POMC mRNAs expression in the hypothalamus; (3) orexin A upregulated LH and FSH mRNAs expression (FSH, P〉 0.05), but downregulated ghrelin mRNA expression in the pituitary. No significant effects were observed on the pituitary expression of FSH and POMC mRNAs. Our data suggest that orexin A regulates reproductive function by stimulating GnRH and LH release directly and indirectly via its effects on NPY, POMC and ghrelin expression.
NING Hong-meiGE Ya-mingSU JuanZHANG Wen-longYAO YuanYANG Gui-hongLEI Zhi-hai
选取苏钟种母猪16头,在第2个发情期后,按发情前期、发情期、发情后期和间情期随机分成4组。用RT-PCR检测苏钟猪发情周期不同时期preproorexin和orexin 1受体(OX1R) m RNA在下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴中的表达。结果显示:发情周期不同时期preproorexin m RNA在下丘脑、垂体和卵巢中变化趋势一致,preproorexin m RNA在猪的发情前期表达最高,随后其表达量开始下降,在发情后期其表达最少,在间情期时又开始上升。下丘脑中OX1R m RNA在发情前期开始上升,在发情后期达到最高,随后在间情期又开始下降。垂体和卵巢中OX1 R m RNA的变化与下丘脑中OX1R m RNA的变化趋势一致。上述结果表明:orexin可能参与调控动物生殖过程。