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17 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Recovery of molybdenum and copper from porphyry ore via iso-flotability flotation被引量:11
A copper-molybdenum iso-flotability flotation process has been developed to efficiently improve the recovery ofmolybdenite from Duobaoshan porphyry Cu-Mo ores.The effects of flotation approach,type of collector,feed particle sizedistribution,rougher pH value and reagent dosage on the recovery of molybdenite were evaluated systematically.The results suggestthat compared with kerosene and diesel oil,transformer oil has stronger dispersion capability in water media and better flotationselectivity for molybdenite,providing a higher molybdenum recovery under low reagent dosage.Moreover,compared with bulkflotation approach,the iso-flotability flotation approach using transformer oil as a collector can obtain superior Mo recovery(90.77%)and grade(0.80%)in the cleaner concentrate,and increase the Mo recovery and grade by over18%and5%in the final Moconcentrate,respectively.The results of commercial flotation further indicate that the iso-flotability flotation approach is a rationaland effective route to beneficiate the porphyry Cu-Mo ores.
Qing-quan LINGuo-hua GUHui WANGYou-cai LIUChong-qing WANGJian-gang FUJun-yao ZHAOLuo-luo HUANG
对气泡ζ电位的测量方法以及纯水中、表面活性剂体系中、电解质体系中气泡ζ电位的测量结果进行综述。研究表明,气泡在纯水中的等电点处于pH 1.5~3.5之间。阴、阳离子型表面活性剂会改变气泡表面的ζ电位,非离子型表面活性剂对ζ电位的影响与其结构和基团有关,当浓度达到临界胶束浓度时,ζ电位不再发生变化。无机电解质对ζ电位的影响与离子在溶液中的存在形式及吸附状态有关,pH对ζ电位的影响主要是通过影响H+和OH-的吸附量以及溶液中表面活性剂和无机电解质的存在形式来实现。
Separation of manganese from calcium and magnesium in sulfate solutions via carbonate precipitation被引量:7
The separation of manganese from sulfate solutions containing 14.59 g/L Mn2+, 1.89 g/L Mg2+ and 1.54 g/L Ca2+ was preformed successfully by carbonate precipitation. The results of thermodynamic analysis and tests indicate that carbonate precipitation holds better selectivity for manganese over magnesium than hydroxide precipitation and the feeding method is the most critical factor for minimizing the co-precipitation of calcium and magnesium. Furthermore, with adding MnSO4 solution to NH4HCO3 solution, the effects of the initial NH4HCO3 concentration, NH4HCO3 amount, solution pH value, reaction temperature and time on carbonate precipitation were evaluated and the optimum precipitation conditions were obtained. Under the optimum conditions, the precipitation rates of Mn2+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ are 99.75%, 5.62% and 1.43%, respectively. Moreover, the prepared manganese carbonate was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The results demonstrate that the product can be indexed to the rhombohedral structure of MnCO3.
Flotation mechanisms of molybdenite fines by neutral oils被引量:3
The flotation mechanisms of molybdenite fines by neutral oils were investigated through microflotation test, turbidity measure- ments, infrared spectroscopy, and interracial interaction calculations. The results of the flotation test show that at pH 2-11, the floatability of molybdenite fines in the presence of transformer oil is markedly better than that in the presence of kerosene and diesel oil. The addition of transformer oil, which enhances the floatability of molybdenite fines, promotes the aggregation of molybdenite particles. Fourier transform infrared measurements illustrate that physical interaction dominates the adsorption mechanism of neutral oil on molybdenite. Interracial inte- raction calculations indicate that hydrophobic attraction is the crucial force that acts among the oil collector, water, and molybdenite. Strong hydrophobic attraction between the oily collector and water provides the strong dispersion capability of the collector in water. Furthermore, the dispersion capability of the collector, not the interaction strength role in the flotation system of molybdenite fines. Our findings provide between the oily collectors and molybdenite, has a highly significant insights into the mechanism ofmolybdenite flotation.
Qing-quan LinGuo-hua GuHui WangYou-cai LiuJian-gang FuChong-qing Wang
Preparation of manganese sulfate from low-grade manganese carbonate ores by sulfuric acid leaching被引量:5
In this study, a method for preparing pure manganese sulfate from low-grade ores with a granule mean size of 0.47 mm by direct acid leaching was developed. The effects of the types of leaching agents, sulfitric acid concentration, reaction temperature, and agitation rate on the leaching efficiency of manganese were investigated. We observed that sulfuric acid used as a leaching agent provides a similar leach- ing efficiency of manganese and superior selectivity against calcium compared to hydrochloric acid. The optimal leaching conditions in sul- furic acid media were determined; under the optimal conditions, the leaching efficiencies of Mn and Ca were 92.42% and 9.61%, respec- tively. Moreover, the kinetics of manganese leaching indicated that the leaching follows the diffusion-controlled model with an apparent ac- tivation energy of 12.28 kJ·mol-l. The purification conditions of the leaching solution were also discussed. The results show that manganese dioxide is a suitable oxidant of ferrous ions and sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate is an effective precipitant of heavy metals. Finally, through chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis, the obtained product was determined to contain 98% of MnSOa4·H20.
Qing-quan LinGuo-hua GuHui WangRen-feng ZhuYou-cai LiuJian-gang Fu
Stepwise dissolution of chalcopyrite bioleaching by thermophile A.manzaensis and mesophile L. ferriphilum被引量:2
Chalcopyrite dissolution was evaluated by bioleaching and electrochemical experiments with thermophile A. manzaensis(Acidianus manzaensis) and mesophile L. ferriphilum(Leptospirillum ferriphium) cultures at 65 ℃ and 40 ℃, respectively. It was investigated that the bioleaching of chalcopyrite was stepwise. It was reduced to Cu2 S at a lower redox potential locating in the whole bioleaching process by A. manzaensis at high temperature while only at initial days of bioleaching by L. ferriphilum at a relative low temperature. No reduced product was detected when the redox potential was beyond a high level(e.g., 550 m V(vs SCE)) bioleached by L. ferriphilum. Chalcopyrite bioleaching efficiency was substantially improved bioleached by A. manaensis compared to that by L. ferriphilum, which was mainly attributed to the reduction reaction occurring during bioleaching. The reductive intermediate Cu2 S was more amenable to oxidation than chalcopyrite, causing enhanced copper extraction.
An effective approach for improving flotation recovery of molybdenite fines from a finely-disseminated molybdenum ore被引量:2
An effective flotation approach is proposed for improving the recovery of molybdenite fines from a finely-disseminated molybdenum ore. To maximize the flotation recovery of molybdenum, process mineralogy of raw ore, contrast tests, optimization of operation conditions and particle size analysis were systematically investigated. Process mineralogy suggests that in the raw ore, 61.63% of molybdenite particles distribute in the 〈20 pm size fraction, and intergrow with muscovite and pyrite as the contained and disseminated type. Contrast tests indicate that conventional flotation responds to poor collection efficiency for particles less than 25 pm. Oil agglomerate flotation (OAF) process demonstrates an obvious superiority in improving the flotation recovery of molybdenite fines. Furthermore, the flotation results of OAF process reveal that the dosage of transformer oil plays a critical role on the average size of collected mineral particles (d(0), agglomerates (d^0) and the molybdenum recovery. In addition, industrial tests illustrate that compared with the Mo-S bulk flotation approach, OAF process not only increases Mo recovery and grade of molybdenum concentrate by 22.75% and 17.47% respectively, but also achieves a sulfur concentrate with a superior grade of 38.92%.
LIN Qing-quanGU Guo-huaWANG HuiWANG Chong-qingLIU You-caiFU Jian-gangZHU Ren-feng
研究了用中等嗜热菌(sul fobacillum thermosul fidao xidans,s.t)和极端嗜酸中温古生菌(ferroplasma thermo philum,f.t)浸出砷黄铁矿,通过摇瓶试验考察了不同矿浆浓度和细菌接种量对细菌浸出行为的影响。结果表明:提高浸出体系矿浆浓度会降低砷黄铁矿浸出率;中等嗜热菌相较于极端嗜酸中温古生菌在高矿浆浓度下有更好的耐受性;提高体系细菌接种量,细菌与砷黄铁矿的反应速率加快,但浸出率并未提高;中等嗜热菌在矿浆浓度1%、初始接种浓度107cell/mL条件下,对纯砷黄铁矿中砷的浸出率在12d后达79%。