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作品数:5 被引量:92H指数:3


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  • 1篇航迹融合
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  • 1篇OUTPUT...
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  • 2篇2016
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  • 1篇2013
5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
Output-feedback based partial integrated missile guidance and control law design
An output-feedback based partial integrated guidance and control (IGC) law for missile interceptor is proposed with the smooth finite time convergence property. Firstly, a novel outputfeedback based smooth sliding mode control is proposed for a class of nonlinear systems in the presence of immeasurable state and disturbance. The finite time convergence property of this control scheme is proved based on the Lyapunov stability and homogeneous principle. Then, the proposed control method is applied to the design of partial IGC law. A kind of scaling methods is also developed to reach the rapid convergence of the system. An important dominance of this control scheme is the smooth characteristic, which may result in chattering free convergence. The simulation results indicate the high precision and smooth elevator deflection of the proposed output feedback base partial IGC law. © 2016 Beijing Institute of Aerospace Information.
Xuejiao SunRui ZhouDelong Hou
Reentry trajectory optimization for hypersonic vehicle satisfying complex constraints被引量:58
The reentry trajectory optimization for hypersonic vehicle(HV)is a current problem of great interest.Some complex constraints,such as waypoints for reconnaissance and no-fly zones for threat avoidance,are inevitably involved in a global strike mission.Of the many direct methods,Gauss pseudospectral method(GPM)has been demonstrated as an effective tool to solve the trajectory optimization problem with typical constraints.However,a series of diffculties arises for complex constraints,such as the uncertainty of passage time for waypoints and the inaccuracy of approximate trajectory near no-fly zones.The research herein proposes a multi-phase technique based on the GPM to generate an optimal reentry trajectory for HV satisfying waypoint and nofly zone constraints.Three kinds of specifc breaks are introduced to divide the full trajectory into multiple phases.The continuity conditions are presented to ensure a smooth connection between each pair of phases.Numerical examples for reentry trajectory optimization in free-space flight and with complex constraints are used to demonstrate the proposed technique.Simulation results show the feasible application of multi-phase technique in reentry trajectory optimization with waypoint and no-fly zone constraints.
Jiang ZhaoRui Zhou
Event-triggered cooperative target tracking in wireless sensor networks被引量:3
Since the issues of low communication bandwidth supply and limited battery capacity are very crucial for wireless sensor networks, this paper focuses on the problem of event- triggered cooperative target tracking based on set-membership information filtering. We study some fundamental properties of the set-membership information filter with multiple sensor measurements. First, a sufficient condition is derived for the set-membership information filter, under which the boundedness of the outer ellipsoidal approximation set of the estimation means is guaranteed. Second, the equivalence property between the parallel and sequential versions of the setmembership information filter is presented. Finally, the results are applied to a 1D eventtriggered target tracking scenario in which the negative information is exploited in the sense that the measurements that do not satisfy the triggering conditions are modelled as set-membership measurements. The tracking performance of the proposed method is validated with extensive Monte Carlo simulations.
Lu KelinZhou RuiLi Hao
航迹融合是多无人机系统进行协同侦察,巡逻和目标跟踪领域中的一个重要问题.本文根据不同信息反馈配置给出了局部航迹之间的协方差的精确计算,并据此提出一种精确、具有可扩展性并且适用于任意通信频率的航迹融合算法.此外,本文通过求解对应的离散代数Riccati方程求取融合估计的稳态误差协方差,并以此进行融合性能分析.最后,本文利用Monte Carlo仿真比较理论和实际结果,实验结果验证了该融合算法的有效性.