国家科技支撑计划(2007BAE05B04) 作品数:5 被引量:23 H指数:3 相关作者: 王周成 孙鹏 黄若轩 祁正兵 朱芳萍 更多>> 相关机构: 厦门大学 更多>> 发文基金: 国家科技支撑计划 国家自然科学基金 厦门市科技计划项目 更多>> 相关领域: 金属学及工艺 理学 一般工业技术 更多>>
Fabrication, microstructure and properties of glancing angle deposited Cr coatings Physical vapor deposition under conditions of obliquely incident flux and limited adatom diffusion results in ... Z.T.Wu B.Liu Z.B.Qi F.P.Zhu Z.C.WangEffect of nitrogen flow percentage and working pressure on preferred orientation and morphologies of ZrN coatings The aim of the present research was to investigate the influence of nitrogen flow percentage and working press... Zheng-Bing Qi Zheng-Tao Wu Bin Liu Zhou-Cheng Wang Chong-Hu Wu关键词:MORPHOLOGY 文献传递 Zr_(1-x)Si_xN纳米涂层的制备及其力学性能 被引量:2 2010年 采用直流与射频共溅射技术制备Zr1-xSixN纳米涂层。通过改变Si靶溅射功率控制涂层中Si含量,研究了不同Si含量对Zr1-xSixN涂层的物相结构、晶粒尺寸、硬度和摩擦磨损性能的影响,探索了Zr1-xSixN纳米涂层的致硬机理。结果表明:Si的掺入影响Zr1-xSixN涂层的择优取向和相结构,随着Zr1-xSixN涂层中Si含量的增加,涂层截面的形貌由柱状晶转变为非柱状等轴晶,其结构的变化为:固溶体→nc-ZrN/α-Si3N4结构→非晶结构。涂层的晶粒尺寸在12~30nm之间。对于Si含量低于3.14%(摩尔分数)的Zr1-xSixN涂层,由于固溶强化作用使硬度随Si含量增加而增大,对于Si含量高于3.14%的Zr1-xSixN涂层,通过晶粒的转动和原子在晶界的移动能产生塑性形变,提高了涂层塑性形变能力,使得硬度下降。Zr1-xSixN涂层的耐磨损性能随Si含量的增加而增强。 黄若轩 孙鹏 朱芳萍 祁正兵 王周成Investigation of corrosion behavior of silicon nitride coating on AZ91 magnesium alloy Silicon nitride(Si N) coating was prepared on the surface of AZ91 magnesium alloy using magnetron sputtering. ... Liu Bin Wu Zheng-tao Qi Zheng-bing Jiang Wen-fa Wang Zhou-chengZrSiN纳米涂层制备及其性能研究 应用直流与射频共溅射技术制备ZrSiN纳米涂层,通过改变Si靶溅射功率控制涂层中Si含量。运用X射线衍射、电子探针显微分析、纳米压痕、球-盘磨损试验机研究了不同Si含量对ZrSiN涂层的物相结构、成分、晶粒大小、硬度以及... 黄若轩 孙鹏 朱芳萍 祁正兵 王周成关键词:涂层 磨损 文献传递 Working Pressure Induced Microstructure and Stress Evolution of Sputtered ZrN Coatings 2012年 The influence of working pressure on microstructure and residual stress evolution of magnetron sputtered ZrN coatings were systemically investigated.XPS and XRD results reveal that all as-deposited coatings at varying working pressure are stoichiometric ZrN with cubic NaCl structure.A decrease in working pressure results in preferred orientation evolution from(111)to(200).This evolution is driven by kinetics processes,such as adatom surface migration and competitive grain growth,rather than by thermodynamic.This explanation is also supported by morphology characterization as the surface and cross-section morphologies transition from tapered shape and columnar structure to round and non-columnar(equiaxed)structure. Qi Zhengbing Yan Weili Hong Jinqing Zhu Fangping Sun Peng Wang Zhoucheng Wu Zhengtao Peng Dongliang Wu Chonghu关键词:ZRN COATING ORIENTATION RESIDUAL MICROSTRUCTURE CTAB、SDS和钨酸钠复配对氯化钠溶液中印刷线路板的缓蚀作用研究 随着人类环保意识的增强,绿色缓蚀剂的开发与应用越来越被重视。钨酸盐由于其毒性低,对环境、人体和作物没有危害,也不引起微生物滋生,属环境友好型缓蚀剂,已引起人们的广泛关注。单一钨酸盐的缓蚀效率不高,而且用量较大,因此可采用... 张敏 林昌健关键词:钨酸钠 CTAB SDS 印刷线路板 Investigation of corrosion behavior of silicon nitride coating on AZ91 magnesium alloy Silicon nitride(Si N) coating was prepared on the surface of AZ91 magnesium alloy using magnetron sputtering. ... Liu Bin Wu Zheng-tao Qi Zheng-bing Jiang Wen-fa Wang Zhou-cheng文献传递 Fabrication, microstructure and properties of glancing angle deposited Cr coatings Physical vapor deposition under conditions of obliquely incident flux and limited adatom diffusion results in ... Z.T.Wu B.Liu Z.B.Qi F.P.Zhu Z.C.Wang文献传递 电泳沉积和反应结合制备羟基磷灰石/氧化铝复合涂层 被引量:9 2008年 在金属表面用电泳沉积(electrophoretic deposition,EPD)法制备羟基磷灰石(hydroxyapatite,HA)涂层的主要问题是结合强度较低。为了提高HA涂层与基体的结合强度,先采用EPD在钛表面制得羟基磷灰石/铝(hydroxyapatite/aluminum,HA/Al)复合涂层,然后采用反应结合方法(reaction bonding process)制备羟基磷灰石/氧化铝(hydroxyapatite/aluminum oxide,HA/Al2O3)复合涂层,并与相同条件下制备的HA单一涂层进行比较研究。用扫描电镜表征涂层的表面和横截面形貌。用能量散射X射线衍射(X-ray diffraction,XRD)谱分析HA/Al2O3复合涂层的化学组成。用XRD仪研究涂层的物相组成和热稳定性。通过黏结–拉伸实验测定HA涂层与基体的结合强度。结果表明:通过850℃热处理,HA/Al复合涂层中的Al粉发生氧化反应生成Al2O3,经反应结合得到HA/Al2O3复合涂层;反应结合提高了HA涂层的致密化程度且降低了基底钛表面的氧化程度;与单一HA涂层相比,HA/Al2O3复合涂层与基底间的结合强度得到明显提高。 王周成 倪永金 黄金聪关键词:电泳沉积 羟基磷灰石 氧化铝