工控组态软件MCGS(Monitor and Control Generated System)能够提供友好的人机交互界面以及强大的通讯功能,但是计算能力不强,很难实现一些复杂的控制策略。运用Matlab和VB的跨平台编程技术来开发控制策略;在MATLAB中编写模糊自适应PID算法并生成COM组件;在VB集成开发环境中调用该组件;通过接口程序嵌入MCGS组态软件中。实现了对过程工业对象锅炉温度的智能控制算法、现场信号和监控之间的有机结合,系统控制质量明显提高。
In order to realize mass transfer analysis for microwave hot in-place recycling of asphalt pavements, a volume element is established including asphalt mixtures, liquid water and vapor. A mass transfer control model is built by the theory of multiphysics, phase transformation and diffusion. The model contains continuity equation, energy conservation equation, movement equation and vapor diffusion equation. To gain the solution of the mass transfer model, the formulas are simplified to one-dimensional differential equations. And then a mathematical model of boundary conditions is established. The mass transfer velocity and dissipative energy are obtained in different moisture contents through simulation of asphalt pavements recycling. The result indicates that when initial moisture content is certain, mass transfer velocity is almost uniform in depth direction at the same heating time and enertrv absorbed by water i,~ descendino with denletion of moisture.