[Objective] This study aimed to clarify the effects of Pb2+ and Cr3+ stress on the contents of chlorophyl in Bryum argenteum and Barbula indica. [Method] B. ar-genteum and B. indica were cultured in different concentrations of lead nitrate solu-tion or chromium chloride solution, to investigate the changes in contents of photo-synthetic pigments under lead and chromium single stress. [Result] The results showed that the effects of 1, 10 and 200 mg/L Pb2+ on B. indica were greater than those on B. argenteum; the effects of 1, 50, 100 and 200 mg/L Cr3+ on B. argen-teum were greater than those on B. indica. Total chlorophyl content in B. argen-teum and B. indica under different concentrations of Pb2+ and Cr3+ was decreased compared with that in control. The tolerance of B. indica to Pb2+ pol ution was lower than that of B. argenteum, while the tolerance of B. indica to Cr3+ pol ution was greater than that of B. argenteum. [Conclusion] Based on the conventional require-ments for monitoring materials, B. indica can be used as an indicator species to monitor heavy metal pol ution in the atmosphere of Zhengzhou.