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作品数:3 被引量:27H指数:3


  • 3篇中文期刊文章


  • 3篇农业科学
  • 1篇生物学


  • 2篇RICE
  • 1篇单倍体
  • 1篇愈伤
  • 1篇愈伤组织
  • 1篇受体
  • 1篇水稻
  • 1篇水稻转化
  • 1篇花药
  • 1篇花药培养
  • 1篇花药愈伤组织
  • 1篇倍体
  • 1篇ORYZA_...
  • 1篇RNA
  • 1篇RNA_IN...
  • 1篇XA21
  • 1篇ANTHER...
  • 1篇GENE
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  • 1篇中国科学院遗...


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  • 1篇中国科学(C...
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  • 3篇2006
3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
Adapting rice anther culture to gene transformation and RNA interference被引量:6
Anther culture offers a rapid method of generating homozygous lines for breeding pro- gram and genetic analysis.To produce homozygous transgenic lines of rice(Oryza sativa L.)in one step,we developed an efficient protocol of anther-callus-based transformation mediated by Agro- bacterium after optimizing several factors influencing efficient transformation,including callus induc- tion and Agrobacterium density for co-cultivation.Using this protocol,we obtained 145 independent green transformants from five cultivars of japonica rice by transformation with a binary vector pCXK1301 bearing the rice gene,Xa21 for resistance to bacterial blight,of which 140 were further confirmed by PCR and Southern hybridization analysis,including haploids(32.1%),diploids(62.1%) and mixoploids(7.5%).Fifteen diploids were found to be doubled haploids,which accounted for 10.7%of the total positive lines.Finally,by including 28 from colchicine induced or spontaneous dip- loidization of haploids later after transformation,a total of 43 doubled haploids(30.7%)of Xa21 transgenic lines were obtained.We also generated two RNAi transgenic haploids of the rice Os- MADS2 gene,a putative redundant gene of OsMADS4 based on their sequence similarity,to inves- tigate its possible roles in rice flower development by this method.Flowers from the two OsMADS2 RNAi transgenic haploids displayed obvious homeotic alternations,in which lodicules were trans- formed into palea/lemma-like tissues,whereas identities of other floral organs were maintained.The phenotypic alternations were proved to result from specific transcriptional suppression of OsMADS2 gene by the introduced RNAi transgene.The results confirmed that OsMADS2 is involved in lodicule development of rice flower and functionally redundant with OsMADS4 gene.Our results demonstrated that rice anther culture could be adapted to gene transformation and RNAi analysis in rice.
CHEN CaiyanXIAO HanZHANG WenliWANG AijuXIA ZhihuiLI XiaobingZHAI WenxueCHENG ZhukuanZHU Lihuang
在优化花培诱导培养基成分的基础上,通过延长花药愈伤组织在诱导培养基上培养的时间和降低共培养过程中农杆菌浓度等,成功地建立了以花药愈伤组织为受体的农杆菌转化体系.并将白叶枯菌抗性基因Xa21作为该体系的模式基因导入到多个粳稻品种的花药愈伤组织中,共得到了145个独立的转基因株系.分子检测和田间抗性检测发现其中的140个株系的基因组含有外源的Xa21基因,包括单倍体45株、二倍体87株和混倍体植株8株.根据后代性状分离比和染色体的FISH分析可以确定,在87个二倍体植株中有15株为纯合的加倍单倍体转基因植株;再加上田间自然加倍和由秋水仙碱处理单倍体所获得的28株加倍单倍体,共得到了43个纯合的加倍单倍体转基因株系.还将该转化体系用于反向遗传学的研究.一个在植物体内能转录产生双链RNA(double strand RNA,dsRNA)发夹结构的质粒pZ2RNAi被导入到水稻单倍体基因组中,该dsRNA的靶目标是水稻的OsMADS2基因的转录物,结果表明,在转pZ2RNAi的单倍体水稻中,靶基因OsMADS2的表达被特异地抑制,并导致花器官形态的明显改变.因此,单倍体转化体系与RNAi技术相结合有可能成为在水稻和其他植物中功能基因组研究的一个新途径.
Genetic Analysis and Mapping of the Dominant Dwarfing Gene D-53 in Rice被引量:12
The dwarfing gene D-53 Is one of a few dominant genes for dwarfing In rice (Oryza satlva L.). In the present study, our genetic analysis confirmed that mutant characteristics including dwarfing, profuse tlllerlng, thin stems and small panicles are all controlled by the dominant D-53 gene. We measured the length of each Internode of KL908, a D-53-carrylng line, and classified the dwarfism of KL908 Into the dn-type. In addition, we measured elongation of the second sheath and a-amylase activity In the endosperm, and we characterized KL908 as a dwarf mutant that was neither glbberelllc acid-deficient nor glbberelllc acid-Insensitive. Using a large F2 population obtained by crossing KL908 with a wild-type variety, NJ6, the D-53 gene was mapped to the terminal region of the short arm of chromosome 11, with one simple sequence repeat marker, Ds3, co-segregating, and the other, K81114, located 0.6 cM away.
LI-Rong WeiJi-Chen XuXiao-Bo LiQian QianLI-Huang Zhu