We have studied the electron transport properties of a disordered graphene sample, where the disorder was intentionally strengthened by Ga+ ion irradiation. The magneto-conductance of the sample exhibits a typical two-dimensional electron weak localization behavior, with electron-electron interaction as the dominant dephasing mechanism. The absence of electron anti-weak localization in the sample implies strong intersublattice and/or intervalley scattering caused by the disorders. The temperature and bias-voltage dependencies of conductance clearly reveal the suppression of conductance at low energies, indicating opening of a Coulomb gap due to electron-electron interaction in the disordered graphene sample.
TAN ChangLingTAN ZhenBingMA LiQU FanMingYANG FanCHEN JunLIU GuangTongYANG HaiFangYANG ChangLiLU Li
A square graphene single electron transistor (SET) was defined with two side gates, and its transport was studied at low temperature at T = 2 K. At zero magnetic field, Coulomb blockade oscillations were clearly observed near the Dirac point of this device. At high magnetic field, in the quantum Hall regime, we observed ballistic tunneling of the carders through the graphene SET, contrary to the Coulomb blockades observed while approaching the vicinity of the Dirac point.