We study the spontaneous symmetry breaking of a superfluid Bose-Fermi mixture in a two-dimensional double- well potential. The mixture is described by a set of coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations. The symmetry breaking phenomenon is demonstrated in the two-dimensional double-well potential in the mixture. The results are summarized in the phase diagrams of the mixture particle numbers, which are divided into symmetric and asymmetric regions by the asymmetry ratios. The dynamical pictures of the spontaneous symmetry breaking induced by a gradual transformation of the single-well potential into a double-well one are also illustrated. The properties of the quantum degenerate mixture are explored using the realistic parameters for a ^40K-^87Rb system.
The interference between two condensates with repulsive interaction is investigated numerically by solving the onedimensional time-dependent Gross–Pitaevskii equation.The periodic interference pattern forms in two condensates,which are prepared in a double-well potential consisting of two truncated harmonic wells centered at different positions.Dark solitons are observed when two condensates overlap.Due to the existence of atom–atom interactions,atoms are transferred among the ground state and the excited states,which coincides with the condensate energy change.
We consider a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a harmonic potential with different nonlinearity coeffi- cients. We illustrate the dynamics of soliton breathers in two-component and three-component states by numerically solv- ing the one-dimensional time-dependent coupled Gross-Pitaecskii equations (GPEs). We present that two condensates with repulsive interspecies interactions make elastic collision and novel soliton breathers are created in two-component state. We also demonstrate novel soliton breathers in three-component state with attractive coupling constants. Furthermore, possible reasons for creating soliton breathers are discussed.