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  • 9篇中文期刊文章


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  • 4篇机械工程
  • 2篇自动化与计算...
  • 1篇自然科学总论


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  • 1篇QED
  • 1篇QUANTU...
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  • 1篇2019
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  • 2篇2014
  • 3篇2013
9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Implementation of unambiguous comparison for unknown pure quantum states with cavity-assisted interaction
We propose two effective schemes for local and remote unknown atomic state comparisons with a cavity-assisted single photon input--output process without any initial entanglement or auxiliary resource. The unambiguous state discrim- ination is considered using the state comparison process as the basic module. All the implementation schemes here just involve common quantum logic gates and the single qubit measurement. The analysis shows that our schemes are feasible under the current experimental conditions.
程留永王洪福张寿Yeon Kyu-Hwang
Efficient three-step entanglement concentration for an arbitrary four-photon cluster state被引量:1
We propose an entanglement concentration protocol to concentrate an arbitrary partially-entangled four-photon cluster state.As a pioneering three-step entanglement concentration scheme,our protocol only needs a single-photon resource to assist the concentration in each step,which makes this protocol more economical.With the help of the linear optical elements and weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity,one can obtain a maximally-entangled cluster state via local operations and classical communication.Moreover,the protocol can be iterated to obtain a higher success probability and is feasible under current experimental conditions.
Two-qubit and three-qubit controlled gates with cross-Kerr nonlinearity被引量:1
Schemes for two-qubit and three-qubit controlled gates based on cross-Kerr nonlinearity are proposed in this paper.The probability of the success of these gates can be increased by quantum nondemolition detectors,which are used to judge which paths the signal photons pass through.These schemes are almost deterministic and require no ancilla photon.The advantages of these gates over the existing ones include less resource consumption and a higher probability of success,which make our schemes more feasible with current technology.
Complete hyperentangled state analysis and generation of multi-particle entanglement based on charge detection
We propose the schemes for implementing hyperentangled state analysis and generating four-electron high entan-gled states (including cluster state, |X) state, and symmetric Dicke state) based on the charge detection of free electrons. These schemes are deterministic and rely only on charge detection and single-spin rotations. This method, which uses noninteracting electrons, is not only efficient but also saves on quantum resources.
Dissipative preparation of a steady three-dimensional entangled state via quantum-jump-based feedback被引量:1
A robust and scalable scheme to generate a steady three-dimensional entangled state for a V-type atom and a A- type atom trapped in a strongly dissipative bimodal cavity is proposed by direct feedback control based on quantum-jump detection. The robustness of this scheme reflects in the insensitivity to detection inefficiencies and the strong ability against the parameter fluctuations in the feedback, driving, and coupling strengths. The influence of atomic spontaneous emission can be suppressed by using the local feedback control. The scalability is ensured that N-dimensional entangled states of two atoms can be deterministically generated.
Universal quantum computation using all-optical hybrid encoding被引量:1
By employing displacement operations, single-photon subtractions, and weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity, we propose an alternative way of implementing several universal quantum logical gates for all-optical hybrid qubits encoded in both single-photon polarization state and coherent state. Since these schemes can be straightforwardly implemented only using local operations without teleportation procedure, therefore, less physical resources and simpler operations are required than the existing schemes. With the help of displacement operations, a large phase shift of the coherent state can be obtained via currently available tiny cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Thus, all of these schemes are nearly deterministic and feasible under current technology conditions, which makes them suitable for large-scale quantum computing.
Time-bin-encoding-based remote states generation of nitrogen-vacancy centers through noisy channels
We design proposals to generate a remote Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger(GHZ) state and a W state of nitrogenvacancy(NV) centers coupled to microtoroidal resonators(MTRs) through noisy channels by utilizing time-bin encoding processes and fast-optical-switch-based polarization rotation operations.The polarization and phase noise induced by noisy channels generally affect the time of state generation but not its success probability and fidelity.Besides,the above proposals can be generalized to n-qubit between two or among n remote nodes with success probability unity under ideal conditions.Furthennore,the proposals are robust for regular noise-changeable channels for the n-node case.This method is also useful in other remote quantum information processing tasks through noisy channels.
Simulation and detection of the topological properties of a modulated Rice-Mele model in a one-dimensional circuit-QED lattice被引量:2
Here, we propose a simple scheme to realize a one-dimensional (1D) modulated Rice-Mele model (RMM) and investigate its topological properties with a 1D circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED) lattice. The system can be mapped into a Chern insulator model by introducing a period parameter. Interestingly and surprisingly, we found that the circuit-QED lattice system always exhibits topologically nonttrvial phases if both the nearest-neighbor hopping strength between two resonators and the qubitassisted on-site potentials are alternately changed in the direction of the lattice. The numerical results show that the topological phases can be obtained by introducing an additional modulation parameter and both the edge state and topological invariant can be unambiguously seen with the existence of decay and disorders, even with few resonators in the lattice.
Lu QiYan XingJi CaoXin-Xin JiangCheng-Shou AnAi-Dong ZhuShou ZhangHong-Fu Wang
Manipulation of multi-transparency windows and fast-slow light transitions in a hybrid cavity optomechanical system被引量:1
We study the generation of quadruple-transparency windows and the implementation of a conversion between slow and fast light in a hybrid optomechanical system. By demonstrating the generation of these transparency windows one by one, we analyze the physical mechanism through which each transparency window forms in detail. Additionally, we discuss how the system parameters affect the formation of transparency windows and conclude that the location, width, and absorption of each transparency window can be arbitrarily manipulated by varying the appropriate parameters. Moreover, when the pump field is changed from red to blue detuning, conversions between slow and fast light occur in the output field. These interesting properties of the output field can be applied to achieve the coherent control and manipulation of light pulses using cavity optomechanical system.
Ming-Hua ZhengTie WangDong-Yang WangCheng-Hua BaiShou ZhangCheng-Shou AnHong-Fu Wang