Objective: To observe the effect of extracts from Radix Ginseng, Radix Notoginseng and Rhizoma Chuanxiong (EXT) on delaying vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) aging in aged rats. Methods: VSMCs were obtained by the modified tissue explants technique and were shown to be positive for smooth muscle α-actin (SM-α-actin) by immunohistochemistry staining. VSMCs obtained from the young rats were served as the young control group; VSMCs obtained from the old rats were treated with no drug (the old group), with low dose extracts (20 mg/L, the EXT low-concentration group) and high dose extracts (40 mg/L, the EXT highconcentration group), and with Probucal (106 mol/L, the Probucal group) as a positive control. All groups were cultured for 24 h in the medium with 10% serum for 24 h followed by another 24 h in the serum-free medium. At the end of the 48-h culture, the following analyses were performed including determination of senescenceassociated β-galactosidase (SA β-Gal) activity, flow cytometry analysis of cell cycle, real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analyses of p16, Cyclin D1, cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) and retinoblastoma (Rb) mRNA expression, and Western blotting analyses of p16, cyclin D1, CDK4 and phosphoretinoblastoma (pRb) protein expressions. Results: (1) In comparison to the younger rats, VSMCs from aged rats had significantly more SA β-Gal positive cells (P〈0.01) and more cells in S phase (P〈0.05). VSMCs from the all treated groups showed a significant decrease in both SA β-Gal positive cells (P〈0.05) and S phase (P〈0.05) compared to the old rats. (2) Compared with the young group, VSMCs in the old group had a significant decrease in p16 and Rb mRNA expression and a significant increase in Cyclin D1 and CDK4 mRNA expression. Compared with the old group, VSMCs in the treated groups had a significant increase in p16 and Rb mRNA expression and a significant decrease in