The pulse detonation rocket engine (PDRE) requires periodic supply of oxidizer, fuel and purge gas. A rotary-valve assembly is fabricated to control the periodic supply in this research. Oxygen and liquid aviation kerosene are used as oxidizer and fuel respectively. An ordinary automobile spark plug, with ignition energy as low as 50 mJ, is used to initiate combustion. Steady operation of the PDRE is achieved with operating frequency ranging from 1 Hz to 10 Hz. Experimentally measured pressure is lower than theoretical value by 13% at 1 Hz and 37% at 10 Hz, and there also exists a velocity deficit at different operating frequencies. Both of these two phenomena are believed mainly due to droplet size which depends on atomization and vaporiza-tion of liquid fuel.
为了改善采用液态燃料的脉冲爆震火箭发动机内部燃料的雾化以及燃料混合物的掺混状况,采用了一种中心锥体结构.该结构发动机不采用Shchelkin螺旋增爆装置,而采用中心锥体结构、二级供应方式.采用航空煤油为燃料、压缩氧气为氧化剂、压缩氮气为隔离气体,在该结构脉冲爆震火箭发动机上获得了充分发展的爆震波并且能够在多循环条件下稳定工作.实验结果表明,该结构可以大大缩短DDT(deflagra-tion to detonation transition)距离,在实验条件下爆燃向爆震转变距离约为管径的5倍.较之同一管径采用Shchelkin螺旋增爆装置的脉冲爆震火箭发动机,该结构发动机的爆燃向爆震转变距离缩短了57.5%.
Nozzle effects on thrust and inlet pressure of a multi-cycle air-breathing pulse detonation engine (APDE) are investigated experimentally. An APDE with 68 mm in diameter and 2 050 mm in length is operated using gasoline/air mixture. Straight nozzle, converging nozzle, converging-diverging nozzle and diverging nozzle are tested. The results show that thrust augmentation of converging-diverging nozzle, diverging nozzle or straight nozzle is better than that of converging nozzle on the whole. Thrust augmentation of straight nozzle is worse than those of converging-diverging nozzle and diverging nozzle. Thrust augmentations of diverging nozzle with larger expansion ratio and converging-diverging nozzle with larger throat area range from 20% to 40% on tested frequencies and are better than those of congeneric other nozzles respectively. Nozzle effects on inlet pressure are also researched. At each frequency it is indicated that filling pressures and average peak pressures of inlet with diverging nozzle and converging-diverging nozzle with large throat cross section area are higher than those with straight nozzle and converging nozzle Pressures near thrust wall increase in an increase order from without nozzle, with diverging nozzle, straight nozzle and converging-diverging nozzle to converging nozzle.