The phenomenon of ground vibration amplification caused by railway traffic was found and proved. In order to study the reasons which cause the amplification, a drop-weight test was performed. Then, the model for both homogeneous and layered soil subjected to a harmonic vertical load was built. With the help of this model, displacement Green's function was calculated and the propagation laws of ground vibration responses were discussed. Results show that: 1) When applying a harmonic load on the half-space surface, the amplitude of ground vibrations attenuate with fluctuation, which is caused by the superposition of bulk and Rayleigh waves. 2) Vibration amplification can be enlarged under the conditions of embedded source and the soil layers. 3) In practice, the fluctuant attenuation should be paid attention to especially for the vibration receivers who are sensitive to single low frequencies(<10 Hz). Moreover, for the case of embedded loads, it should also be paid attention to that the receivers are located at the place where the horizontal distance is similar to embedded depth, usually 10 to 30 m for metro lines.
通过对隧道内、地面和建筑物内的振动测试,研究轨道结构形式、受振建筑与地铁线路距离、地层振动特性以及车辆状态对青岛嘉园居民区建筑物环境振动的影响。结果表明:造成青岛嘉园振动超标的原因是地铁列车运行引起的近场建筑物受迫振动,下行线梯形轨枕轨道起到了较好的减振作用,其引起的环境振动在标准限值内;上行线DTⅥ2扣件引起环境振动较下行线约大6 d B,且超过标准限值。在分析振动超标原因的基础上,提出了限速运行、扣件改造、分级提速的治理措施,最终将青岛嘉园建筑物环境振动控制在"特殊住宅区"65 d B的振动限值之内,解决了北京地铁大兴线青岛嘉园振动扰民问题。