We propose a multi-bit dense coding scheme by using only an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen(EPR) channel and assistant qubits.It is shown that no matter how many classical bits there are,the quantum channel is always a Bell state.The present dense coding process can also prepare non-local multi-particle Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger(GHZ) states at one of the participants.The quantum circuits for this dense coding process are constructed,the deterministic implementation method in an optical system based on the cross-Kerr nonlinearities is shown.
We propose a scheme to implement fermionic quantum SWAP and Fredkin gates for spin qubits with the aid of charge detection. The scheme is deterministic without the need of qubit qubit interaction, and the proposed setups consist of simple polarizing beam splitters, single-spin rotations, and charge detectors. Compared with linear optics quantum computation, this charge-measurement-based qubit scheme greatly enhances the success probability for ira- plementing quantum SWAP and Fredkin gates and greatly simplifies the experimental realization of scalable quantum computers with noninteracting electrons.
We present a scheme for quantum superdense coding with hyperentanglement, in which the sender can transfer four bits of classical information by sending only one photon. The important device in the scheme is the hyperentangled Bell-state analyzer in both polarization and frequency degrees of freedom, which is also constructed in the paper by using a quantum nondemolition detector assisted by cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Our scheme can transfer more informationwith less resources than the existing schemes and is nearly deterministic and nondestructive.
We propose a scheme to implement fermionic quantum SWAP and Fredkin gates for spin qubits with the aid of charge detection. The scheme is deterministic without the need of qubit–qubit interaction, and the proposed setups consist of simple polarizing beam splitters, single-spin rotations, and charge detectors. Compared with linear optics quantum computation, this charge-measurement-based qubit scheme greatly enhances the success probability for im- plementing quantum SWAP and Fredkin gates and greatly simplifies the experimental realization of scalable quantum computers with noninteracting electrons.