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20 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Effective Seed Distribution Pattern of an Upward Shift Species in Alpine Tundra of Changbai Mountains被引量:1
The vegetation of alpine tundra in the Changbai Mountains has experienced great changes in recent decades. Narrowleaf small reed(Deyeuxia angustifolia), a perennial herb from the birch forest zone had crossed the tree line and invaded into the alpine tundra zone. To reveal the driven mechanism of D. angustifolia invasion, there is an urgent need to figure out the effective seed distribution pattern, which could tell us where the potential risk regions are and help us to interpret the invasion process. In this study, we focus on the locations of the seeds in the soil layer and mean to characterize the effective seed distribution pattern of D. angustifolia. The relationship between the environmental variables and the effective seed distribution pattern was also assessed by redundancy analysis. Results showed that seeds of D. angustifolia spread in the alpine tundra with a considerable number(mean value of 322 per m2). They were mainly distributed in the low elevation areas with no significant differences in different slope positions. Effective seed number(ESN) occurrences of D. angustifolia were different in various plant communities. Plant communities with lower canopy cover tended to have more seeds of D. angustifolia. Our research indicated reliable quantitative information on the extent to which habitats are susceptible to invasion.
ZONG ShengweiXU JiaweiEckart DEGEWU ZhengfangHE Hongshi
Effects of Nitrogen Deposition on Tundra Vegetation Undergoing Invasion by Deyeuxia angustifolia in Changbai Mountains被引量:6
In recent years, herbaceous species such as Deyeuxia angustifolia (Kom.) Y. L. Chang has invaded alpine tundra regions of the western slope of the Changbai Mountains. Because atmospheric nitrogen deposition is predicted to increase under a warming climate and D. angustifolia is sensitive to nitrogen addition, field experiments were conducted from 2010 to 2013 to determine the effect of increased nitrogen deposition on the mechanisms of D. angustifolia invasion. The goal of this study is to evaluate the impact of increased nitrogen deposition on the changes in alpine tundra vegetation (consisting mostly of Rhododendron chrysanthum Pall. and Vaccinium uliginosum Linn.). The results showed that: 1) simulated nitrogen deposition affected overall characteristics and structure of R. chrysanthum and E uliginosum communities and had a positive impact on the growth of tundra vegetation invaded by 1). angustifolia; 2) R. chrysanthum was more resistant to invasion by D. angustifolia than V.. uliginosum; 3) simulated nitrogen deposition could improve the growth and enhance the competitiveness of D. angustifolia, which was gradually replacing R. chrysanthum and V. uliginosum and might become the dominant species in the system in future, transforming alpine tundra into alpine meadow in the Chanebai Mountains.
JIN YinghuaXU JiaweiWANG YeqiaoWANG ShaoxianCHEN ZhaoshuangHUANG XiangtongNIU Lijun
为了探讨氮沉降增加对苔原植被的影响,特别是对草本植物侵入苔原的作用,在长白山高山苔原带进行了连续4 a的人工氮沉降模拟实验,测定3种设定的氮沉降水平下牛皮杜鹃(Rhododendron chrysanthum)、笃斯越橘(Vaccinium uliginosum)和小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia)的生长状况和群落结构变化。研究结果表明:1与牛皮杜鹃、笃斯越橘等苔原本地种相比,氮沉降量增加更有利于侵入的小叶章生长;牛皮杜鹃生长对氮沉降量变化响应微弱,氮沉降量增加能明显抑制笃斯越橘的生长。2无小叶章侵入的牛皮杜鹃和笃斯越橘斑块在不同氮沉降量条件下,群落结构变化不明显,氮沉降增加不是小叶章侵入苔原带的直接原因。3在小叶章侵入牛皮杜鹃和笃斯越橘斑块后,氮沉降量增加强化了小叶章的竞争能力,逐渐取代牛皮杜鹃或笃斯越橘,成为优势种,推动高山苔原向高山草甸转化。因此,随着氮沉降量的不断增加,长白山苔原带将面临退化与草甸化。
为说明长白山高山苔原土壤理化性质的空间差异,并为反演长白山高山苔原变化过程提供基础数据,在长白山苔原带选取132个土壤采样点,提取海拔、坡度、坡向、坡位4个地形维度;测定13项土壤理化指标,对其进行变异分析、相关分析及因子分析;对土壤理化指标与地形维度进行回归分析和冗余分析。结果表明:(1)长白山高山苔原土的有机质和速效养分含量均较高,有机质含量为22.96%;土壤偏酸性,p H平均值为4.86;去除砾石后土壤颗粒组成中,粉粒含量最高,沙粒次之,黏粒再次。各理化性质指标之间存在较高的相关性,经过因子分析,将13个理化性质转化为无机养分供应因子、颗粒组成因子、有机养分供应因子。(2)海拔主要影响土壤的养分供应因子,包括无机养分和有机养分,在研究区海拔范围内(2049~2239 m),与养分含量呈正相关;坡度主要影响土壤的有机养分供应因子,与养分含量呈负相关;坡位主要影响颗粒组成因子。(3)冗余分析结果表明,海拔、坡度、坡向、坡位4个地形因子能解释42.8%的土壤理化性质变化,第一轴解释了28.2%的变化信息,第二轴解释了14.6%的变化信息。在长白山苔原带,影响土壤理化性质空间分异的主要地形因子是海拔和坡度。
Responses and feedback of litter properties and soil mesofauna to herbaceous plants expansion into the alpine tundra on Changbai Mountain,China
Global climate changes result in the expansion of lower elevation plants to higher elevations.The rapid upward expansion of herbaceous plants into the alpine tundra on Changbai Mountain resulted in changes in different levels of ecosystem organization.However,the responses and feedback of litter properties and soil mesofauna to herbaceous plants expansion have not been studied yet.To understand the mechanisms underlying those changes,we conducted a field experiment in the range of 2250-2300 m in the alpine tundra of the Changbai Mountain and collected a total of 288 samples from four degrees of herbaceous plants expansion to study the litter physiochemical properties,soil mesofauna,and soil nutrient contents,and their relationships in that tundra ecosystem suffered from various degrees of herbaceous invasion.We found that herbaceous plant expansion is responsible for a major shift in the dominant species of soil mesofauna from mites to collembolan and has significant impacts on the community structure(R2=0.54,p=0.001)and diversity of soil mesofauna(Shannon-Weiner index,p=0.01).The increasing herbaceous plant expansion resulted in a significant increase in litter biomass from 91 g·m^(-2) in the original tundra vegetation(OIT)to 118 g·m^(-2) in the moderately invaded tundra(MIT),and an increase in litter thickness from 2.37 cm(OIT)to 3.05 cm(MIT).And,the litter total nitrogen content significantly increased,but the values of the litter carbon content,the lignin content,the C/N ratio,and the lignin/N ratio decreased with increased herbaceous coverage(both p<0.05).The litter physical properties pathway(biomass and thickness)directly explained 31% of the total variance in soil mesofauna diversity and 59% of the total variance in soil mesofauna community composition.Furthermore,both the soil available nutrients(incl.AN and AP)and plant biomass(incl.the total plant biomass and herbs/shrubs biomass)significantly increased with increasing coverage of herbaceous plant(both p<0.05),and litter chemical properties pathway d
ZHANG Ying-jieJIN Ying-huaXU Jia-weiHE Hong-shiTAO YanYANG Zhi-pengZHAO JingDIAO Yin-xiaSUN Chen-huiLI Mai-He
选取长白山岳桦林中的岳桦-蟹甲草群落(Comm.Betula ermanii-Parasenecio forrestii)、岳桦-藜芦群落(Comm.Betula ermanii-Veratrum nigrum)和岳桦-小叶章群落(Comm.Betula ermanii-Deyeuxia purpurea)开展野外模拟氮沉降实验,采用野外原位模拟实验方法,设置对照(0 kg·hm-2·a-1)、低氮(30 kg·hm-2·a-1)、中氮(50 kg·hm-2·a-1)和高氮(100 kg·hm-2·a-1)4个氮处理水平,测定草本植物生长状况和土壤肥力,研究岳桦林下草本层植物和土壤肥力对氮沉降的短期响应。结果显示:(1)岳桦林下草本植物随氮沉降量的增加而加速生长,小叶章对氮沉降的响应较为敏感,藜芦次之,蟹甲草最弱;(2)氮添加造成林下土壤肥力发生变化,有机质含量下降,特别是岳桦-小叶章群落下的土壤有机质含量下降最明显;土壤总氮和速效氮含量增大,岳桦-蟹甲草群落下的土壤总氮和速效氮增加最多;土壤总磷和速效磷含量减小,岳桦-小叶章群落下的土壤总磷和速效磷含量的减少最多。本研究结果表明氮添加在短期内会促进长白山岳桦林下草本植物生长,尤其是小叶章的生长,加快土壤有机质的分解和磷的释放,逐步改变土壤肥力并反馈给植物,促使其进一步变化。
Soil Microbial Community and Enzyme Activity Responses to Herbaceous Plant Expansion in the Changbai Mountains Tundra, China被引量:4
As one of the most sensitive regions to global climate change, alpine tundra in many places around the world has been undergoing dramatic changes in vegetation communities over the past few decades.Herbaceous plant species in the Changbai Mountains area have significantly expanded into tundra shrub communities over the past 30 yr.Soil microbial communities, enzyme activities, and soil nutrients are intertwined with this expansion process.In order to understand the responses of the soil microbial communities to such an expansion, we analyzed soil microbial community structures and enzyme activities in shrub tundra as well as areas with three different levels of herbaceous plant expansion.Our investigation was based on phospholipid fatty acid(PLFA) analysis and 96-well microtiter plates.The results showed that herbs have expanded greatly in the tundra, and they have become the dominant species in herbaceous plant expansion areas.There were differences for community composition and appearance among the shrub tundra and the mild expansion, moderate expansion, and severe expansion areas.Except for soil organic matter, soil nutrients were increased in herbaceous plant expansion areas, and the total nitrogen(TN), total phosphorus(TP), available nitrogen(AN), and available phosphorus(AP) were greatest in moderate expansion areas(MOE), while soil organic matter levels were highest in the non-expanded areas(CK).The total soil PLFAs in the three levels of herbaceous plant expansion areas were significantly higher than those in the non-expanded areas, and total soil PLFAs were highest in the moderately expanded area and lowest in the severely expanded area(SEE).Bacteria increased significantly more than fungi and actinomycetes with herbaceous plant expansion.Soil hydrolase activities(β-1,4-glucosidase(βG) activity, β-1, 4-N-acetylglucosaminidase(NAG) activity, and acid phosphatase(aP) activity) were highest in MOE and lowest in the CK treatment.Soil oxidase activities(polyphenol oxidase(PPO) activities and peroxidase(PER)
JIN YinghuaZHANG YingjieXU ZhiweiGU XiaonanXU JiaweiTAO YanHE HongshiWANG AilinLIU YuxiaNIU Liping
距今约800 a前,长白山天池火山发生大规模普林尼式喷发,喷出的巨量火山浮石及火山灰毁灭性地破坏了长白山植被。由于受喷发倾角和强劲高空西北风影响,使各坡向火山灰和浮石的沉积厚度不同,东坡最厚,南坡和西坡次之,北坡最少。火山灰与浮石形成疏松的成土母质,在流水持续侵蚀下,对破坏后的植被演替产生了长期影响。利用野外调查和现有资料,论证了长白山植被分布独特性规律是长白山火山喷发及喷发物水蚀过程对生态系统作用的结果,确认火山喷发虽历经800多a,目前各坡向植被仍然处在演替的不同进程之中,呈现差异性分布规律。
[目的]长白山自然保护区以原始林为主,森林结构复杂,稳定性好。建立自然保护区60年来,仅在2019年大规模暴发了落叶松毛虫灾害。本研究旨在对致灾状况和致灾因子进行分析。[方法]以长白山自然保护区遭受虫害的北坡森林为研究对象,设置样地,在2019年和2020年进行了监测,对森林受损和恢复情况进行了研究;并从气象条件和森林结构两个方面探究了长白山地区落叶松毛虫大暴发的原因。[结果]研究表明:(1)长白山自然保护区整体上成灾区发生比例不大,但局部受灾程度很重。虫灾区占到长白山自然保护区北坡总面积的12.5%,其中,一般灾区占21.8%,重灾区占79.2%。受灾的主要树种为鱼鳞云杉、臭冷杉、红松和长白落叶松。(2)长白山落叶松毛虫成灾区森林有所恢复,但是不同林型恢复程度差异明显。长白落叶松林受损林全部恢复,红松阔叶林中红松纯林以及海拔1100 m至1300 m云冷杉林重度受损林恢复差。(3)3种受损林型林分结构存在差异,导致3种林型虫口的密度存在差异。云冷杉针叶林竞争指数和大小比数低,树势强,虽然其多样性和混交度高,但都是针叶树种,可视为纯林,因此受害最重。红松针阔混交林竞争指数和大小比数高,树势弱,但是其多样性和混交度高,有较多的阔叶树种,因此受害程度低于云冷杉。长白落叶松林的竞争指数、混交程度、大小比数和多样性指数均为3种林型最低,由于其为先锋树种,树龄小,叶片少,虽然易遭受虫害,但虫口较少,特别是第二年受损落叶松可以恢复叶片生长,其受害程度较低。(4)2018年和2019年气象条件总体高温、干旱和日照时数多,特别是2018年秋冬气温极高和2019年春季降水极少是落叶松毛虫暴发的重要气象原因。[结论]目前长白山自然保护区林分结构和气象气候条件有利于松毛虫的爆发,可能会周期性出现。