We investigate quantum state tomography(QST) for pure states and quantum process tomography(QPT) for unitary channels via adaptive measurements. For a quantum system with a d-dimensional Hilbert space, we first propose an adaptive protocol where only 2d. 1 measurement outcomes are used to accomplish the QST for all pure states. This idea is then extended to study QPT for unitary channels, where an adaptive unitary process tomography(AUPT) protocol of d2+d.1measurement outcomes is constructed for any unitary channel. We experimentally implement the AUPT protocol in a 2-qubit nuclear magnetic resonance system. We examine the performance of the AUPT protocol when applied to Hadamard gate, T gate(/8 phase gate), and controlled-NOT gate,respectively, as these gates form the universal gate set for quantum information processing purpose. As a comparison, standard QPT is also implemented for each gate. Our experimental results show that the AUPT protocol that reconstructing unitary channels via adaptive measurements significantly reduce the number of experiments required by standard QPT without considerable loss of fidelity.
The Unruh effect is one of the most fundamental manifestations of the fact that the particle content of a field theory is observer dependent. However, there has been so far no experimental verification of this effect, as the associated temperatures lie far below any observable threshold. Recently, physical phenomena, which are of great experimental challenge, have been investigated by quantum simulations in various fields. Here we perform a proof-of-principle simulation of the evolution of ferrnionic modes under the Unruh effect with a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) quantum simulator. By the quantum simulator, we experimentally demonstrate the behavior of Unruh temperature with acceleration, and we fiarther investigate the quantum correlations quantified by quantum discord between two fermionic modes as seen by two relatively accelerated observers. It is shown that the quantum correlations can be created by the Unrtfia effect from the classically correlated states. Our work may provide a promising way to explore the quantum physics of accelerated systems.
Fang Zhou JinHong Wei ChenXing RongHui ZhouMing Jun ShiQi ZhangChen Yong JuYi Fu CaiShun Long LuoXin Hua PengJiang Feng Du
The measurement of the weak magnetic field in nanoscale resolution and at room temperature is always a significant topic in biological, physical, and material science. Such detection can be used to decide the characterization of the samples, such as cells, materials, and so on. Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond has been proved to be able to detect a magnetic field with nano Tesla sensitivity and nanometer resolution at room temperature. Here we experimentally demonstrate an optimized NV center based single electron magnetometer in a commercial diamond and under a home-built optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) microscope. With current technology, we change the optically detected time window to get a better signal to noise ratio, and use dynamical decoupling to increase the slope of magnetic field amplitude versus fluorescence signal. By employing the 8-pulse XY-4 dynamical decoupling sequence we achieve a sensitivity of 18.9 nT (Hz)(1/2) , which is 1.7 times better than spin echo. We also propose a NV center based scanning diamond microscope for electron and nuclear spins detection as well as nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging. If it is realized, the NV center based magnetometry will have wide application in the future.
Topological orders are a class of exotic states of matter characterized by patterns of long-range entanglement. Certain topologically ordered systems are proposed as potential realization of fault-tolerant quantum computation. Topological orders can arise in two-dimensional spin-lattice models. In this paper, we engineer a time-dependent Hamiltonian to prepare a topologically ordered state through adiabatic evolution. The other sectors in the degenerate ground-state space of the model are obtained by applying nontrivial operations corresponding to closed string operators. Each sector is highly entangled, as shown from the completely reconstructed density matrices. This paves the way towards exploring the properties of topological orders and the application of topological orders in topological quantum memory.
ZhiHuang LuoJun LiZhaoKai LiLing-Yan HungYi Dun WanXinHua PengJiangFeng Du