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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
介绍了基于APV25芯片的多通道读出电子学系统的设计方法,利用ASIC芯片与可扩展读出系统相结合,实现多通道信号的处理。在该系统中,基于PXI机箱的单个读出板可实现2048路信号的读出及处理,并具有集成度高、低功耗、可扩展等优点。电子学测试结果表明,本系统电荷输入线性动态范围为0-12 fC,APV25等效输入噪声408e,可适应大型物理实验微结构气体探测器、硅像素探测器等探测器的读出需求。
A novel method of encoded multiplexing readout for micro-pattern gas detectors被引量:1
The requirement of a large number of electronic channels poses a big challenge to the further applications of Micro-pattern Gas Detectors (MPGDs). By using the redundancy that at least two neighboring strips record the signal of a particle, a novel method of encoded multiplexing readout for MPGDs is presented in this paper. The method offers a feasible and easily-extensible way of encoding and decoding, and can significantly reduce the number of readout channels. A verification test was carried out on a 5 cm×5 cm Thick Gas Electron Multiplier (THGEM) detector using a 8 keV Cu X-ray source with 100um slit, where 166 strips were read out by 21 encoded readout channels. The test results show good linearity in its position response, and the spatial resolution root-mean-square (RMS) of the test system is about 260um. This method has potential to build large area detectors and can be easily adapted to other detectors similar to MPGDs.
本文介绍了一种基于AGET芯片的微结构气体探测器前端电子学系统。该系统采用模块化结构,单个模块具有4片AGET芯片,可同时接收256路探测器信号;通过多个模块并行工作,可处理更大规模的探测器通道。该系统具有多通道、高集成度、低噪声和可扩展等优点,可适应微结构气体探测器等的读出需求。经电子学测试,该系统在不同动态范围,不同达峰时间的积分非线性均小于2%,等效噪声电荷小于1 700 e。
气体探测器是现代粒子物理实验中不可或缺的测量装置。近年来,随着技术工艺的进步以及物理实验需求的提升,微结构气体探测器(Micro Pattern Gas Detector,MPGD)得到了广泛的研究与应用,其中典型的代表...
基于 USB 接口的多通道准高斯型脉冲信号发生器设计被引量:2
Design of the FPGA-based gigabit serial link for PandaX-III prototype TPC
Background:PandaX-III is aimed to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 136Xe at China Jinping Underground Laboratory.To test various design features of PandaX-III detector,a prototype TPC with 20 kg Xe containing inside is built.Purpose:Front-end boards installed inside the waterproof vessel integrate charge of Micromegas signal,digitize signal waveform and send data packet to back-end board.Frontend boards receive synchronous information(global clock,global trigger,etc.),as well as command messages from back-end board.In order to satisfy the requirement of high data throughput and multiple types of synchronous data transmission,we propose an optical fiber link to communicate between front-end board and back-end board.Methods:Communication of serial transmission is performed using FPGA-based gigabit transceiver with a 1 Gbit/s point-to-point speed.A dedicated user-defined protocol is implemented for various kinds of data transmission.Results:To validate the performance of this link,bit error rate and eye diagram were tested.Preliminary joint test with detector was conducted in Shanghai.All test results showed sufficient data bandwidth and stable performance.Conclusion:To satisfy the requirement for data transmission between front-end board and back-end board in PandaX-III TPC detector readout,an FPGA-based gigabit serial link is designed and tested.This design shows good performance and will be applied to the R&D of PandaX-III TPC.
Cheng LiChangqing FengJianing DongDanyang ZhuShubin LiuQi An
A fast improved fat tree encoder for wave union TDC in an FPGA被引量:2
Up to now, the wave union method can achieve the best timing performance in FPGA-based TDC designs. However, it should be guaranteed in such a structure that the non-thermometer code to binary code (NTH2B) encoding process should be finished within just one system clock cycle. So the implementation of the NTH2B encoder is quite challenging considering the high speed requirement. Besides, the high resolution wave union TDC also demands that the encoder convert an ultra-wide input code to a binary code. We present a fast improved fat tree encoder (IFTE) to fulfill such requirements, in which bubble error suppression is also integrated. With this encoder scheme, a wave union TDC with 7.7 ps RMS and 3.8 ps effective bin size was implemented in an FPGA from Xilinx Virtex 5 family. An encoding time of 8.33 ns was achieved for a 276-bit non-thermometer code to a 9-bit binary code conversion. We conducted a series of tests on the oscillating period of the wave union launcher, as well as the overall performance of the TDC; test results indicate that the IFTE works well. In fact, in the implementation of this encoder, no manual routing or special constraints were required; therefore, this IFTE structure could also be further applied in other delay-chain-based FPGA TDCs.
基于SCA波形采样读出电子学的CSNS Back-n中子飞行时间测量
中国散裂中子源(CSNS)反角白光中子束线(Back-n)对中子核数据测量和核技术应用等多个领域均有重要意义.为监测其中子束斑轮廓、束流密度及束流能量,研制了由镀硼微网格气体(Micromegas)探测器构成的束流剖面监测装置,并通过测量中子的飞行时间(TOF)来获得能量信息.采用基于开关电容阵列(SCA)专用集成电路(ASIC)的波形采样电子学系统,实现了128路Micromegas探测器阳极条信号的低噪声放大、成形和波形数字化,在现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)芯片中实现了对信号过阈时间的实时测量,其量程为650 ns-10 ms,电子学时间分辨好于10 ns.在CSNS Back-n上开展实验,成功获得了中子束流剖面及10.65μs^10 ms范围的飞行时间谱,对应的中子能量范围约为0.16 eV-0.14 MeV.利用钽、钴等吸收体进行了中子共振吸收峰的检验,验证了读出电子学系统的功能及飞行时间测量的正确性.
A prototype scalable readout system for micro-pattern gas detectors
A scalable readout system (SRS) is designed to provide a general solution for different micro-pattern gas detectors in various applications. The system mainly consists of three kinds of modules: the ASIC card, the adapter card and the front-end card (FEC). The ASIC cards, mounted with particular ASIC chips, are designed for receiving detector signals. The adapter card is in charge of digitizing the output signals from several ASIC cards. The FEC, edged-mounted with the adapter, has field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based reconfigurable logic and I/O interfaces, allowing users to choose different ASIC cards and adapters for different experiments, which expands the system to various applications. The FEC transfers data through Gigabit Ethernet protocol realized by a TCP processor (SiTCP) IP core in FPGA. By assembling a flexible number of FECs in parallel through Gigabit Ethernet, the readout system can be tailored to specific sizes to adapt to the experiment scales and readout requirements. In this paper, two kinds of multi-channel ASIC chip, VA140 and AGET, are applied to verify the scalability of this SRS architecture. Based on this VA140 or AGET SRS, one FEC covers 8 ASIC (VA140) cards handling 512 detector channels, or 4 ASIC (AGET) cards handling 256 detector channels, respectively. More FECs can be assembled in crates to handle thousands of detector channels.