In sensor networks,the adversaries can inject false data reports from compromised nodes.Previous approaches to filter false reports,e.g.,SEF,only verify the correctness of the message authentication code (MACs) carried in each data report on intermediate nodes,thus cannot filter out fake reports that are forged in a collaborative manner by a group of compromised nodes,even if these compromised nodes distribute in different geographical areas.Furthermore,if the adversary obtains keys from enough (e.g.,more than t in SEF) distinct key partitions,it then can successfully forge a data report without being detected en-route.A neighbor information based false report filtering scheme (NFFS) in wireless sensor networks was presented.In NFFS,each node distributes its neighbor information to some other nodes after deployment.When a report is generated for an observed event,it must carry the IDs and the MACs from t detecting nodes.Each forwarding node checks not only the correctness of the MACs carried in the report,but also the legitimacy of the relative position of these detecting nodes.Analysis and simulation results demonstrate that NFFS can resist collaborative false data injection attacks efficiently,and thus can tolerate much more compromised nodes than existing schemes.
Energy-efficient data gathering in multi-hop wireless sensor networks was studied,considering that different node produces different amounts of data in realistic environments.A novel dominating set based clustering protocol (DSCP) was proposed to solve the data gathering problem in this scenario.In DSCP,a node evaluates the potential lifetime of the network (from its local point of view) assuming that it acts as the cluster head,and claims to be a tentative cluster head if it maximizes the potential lifetime.When evaluating the potential lifetime of the network,a node considers not only its remaining energy,but also other factors including its traffic load,the number of its neighbors,and the traffic loads of its neighbors.A tentative cluster head becomes a final cluster head with a probability inversely proportional to the number of tentative cluster heads that cover its neighbors.The protocol can terminate in O(n/lg n) steps,and its total message complexity is O(n2/lg n).Simulation results show that DSCP can effectively prolong the lifetime of the network in multi-hop networks with unbalanced traffic load.Compared with EECT,the network lifetime is prolonged by 56.6% in average.