为了研究医疗废物组分、氯含量对PCDD/Fs(polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans)分布特性的影响,对单组分、双组分及不同氯含量的医疗废物进行了热解-焚烧试验。通过对PCDD/Fs的分布特性分析,发现不同氯含量塑料生成PCDD/Fs的能力与氯代水平都有所不同。纤维对PVC焚烧生成PCDD/Fs有促进作用,并使其氯代水平有所提高,且对于不同PVC,这种作用有所不同。随着氯含量的增大,六、七、八氯代呋喃的产量呈增大趋势,二口恶英产量变化与氯含量的关联不是很明显,但当氯含量增大到1.73%时,其产量明显提高。相同氯含量不同PVC氯源的医疗废物其生成的PCDD/Fs特性不同。
The effect of water on the formation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins(PCDDs)and dibenzofurans(PCDFs)from precursor was investigated by the experiments with a fixed-bed reactor:the reactant mixture with different moisture of 123-TrCB and CuCl2 for metal-catalyzed formation,that of 123-TrCB and fly ash for surface-catalyzed formation.The experimental results show that the water has the following effects:first,suppressing the formation of PCDD/Fs as less its yield;second,inhibiting chlorination reaction as lower chlorination degree;third,having different effect on PCDDs and PCDFs as lower ratio of PCDFs/PCDDs.The explanations might be the competitive adsorption of water vapor with TrCB on active sites of the fly ash and the catalysis of copper was weakened chloride because of its oxidative conversion to copper oxide.