为了改善陆面过程模式在半干旱地区的模拟能力,在SHAW(Simultaneous Heat and Water Model)模式和CoLM(Common Land Surface Model)模式参数化方案基础上,结合黄土高原SACOL站(Semi-Arid Climate and Environment Observatory of Lanzhou University)得到的部分土壤和近地层的研究结果,利用SHAW模式的动力框架,发展了一个新的陆面过程模式TBLSHAW(Two-Big-Leaf-SHAW)。该模式由一层植被、多层土壤和湍流边界层构成。在植被层主要采取双大叶模型计算能量平衡;土壤层利用水热耦合传输模型计算土壤温度和湿度,并包含了冻融、蒸发及降水渗透等物理过程;湍流边界层采取莫宁—奥布霍夫理论计算湍流通量。最后利用SACOL站获取的观测资料,对TBLSHAW模式进行了模拟检验。结果表明,TBLSHAW模式能够合理地模拟半干旱地区各项陆面过程特征的变化趋势;模拟的土壤温度和土壤湿度与观测值的偏差较小,模式效率和相关系数较高;模拟的净短波辐射及向上长波辐射较好;但是模拟的感热通量、潜热通量与观测值偏差较大,这可能与该地区的能量闭合度较低有关,还有待进一步研究。
Based on existing researches,here we theoretically summarized the characteristics of the atmospheric movement and turbulent transport of energy and substance in the surface layer as well as the ideal and the actual models for the turbulent transport.Then,using the data observed with eddy covariance at the semiarid climate and environment monitoring station(SACOL) in Lanzhou University from May to October during four consecutive years(September 2006-August 2010),we conducted a detailed analysis of the turbulent transport in the surface layer,through introducing the relative vertical turbulence intensity to characterize the turbulence strength,RIw=wn(wn+U),and also by adopting the method for controlling data quality at different levels.Our conclusions are:(1) The turbulent transport of energy and substance in the surface layer must obey the law of conservation of energy and the law of conservation of matter,the observed and calculated energy in the surface layer must be balanced,or closed in theory,but the actual observed and calculated energy just approximates the ideal in some degree and is difficult to achieve the energy balance.(2) The energy closure rate depends much on the atmospheric state in the surface layer,and the energy closure rate increases generally with the relative vertical turbulence intensity.(3) By the way of controlling data quality at different levels,it is found that the degree of data quality control can affect the closure rate,but it does not change the fact that the energy closure rate depends on the atmospheric state.(4) The calculation method of surface soil heat flux can affect energy closure rate,but does not change its dependence on the atmospheric state.