Billets of Mg-9Al-3Zn-1Mn-6Ca-2Nd alloy were produced by spray-deposition(the Osprey process).Effect of rolling deformation(T = 350?C, ε = 5%, 10%, and 15%, respectively) on microstructure and texture evolution of the Mg-9Al-3Zn-1Mn-6Ca-2Nd alloy was investigated by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD). Results show that at pass reduction of ε = 5%, 10% and 15% at 350?C respectively, Mg-Nd-Zn typed 24R-LPSO structure was formed in(Ca, Nd)Al2phase(C15 Laves phase). With the increase in pass reduction(i.e. 5%, 10% and 15%), the texture pole density level of basal texture(0002) changed little and pyramidal texture(10 1ˉ3) were increased.In contrast, those of prismatic texture {101ˉ0} 〈11 2ˉ0〉 were increased initially and followed by a reduction, indicating texture randomization in the grain-refined Mg alloy. The combined contribution of LPSO phase and C15 phase was key to randomize the texture of the grain-refined Mg alloy. It was noted that the microcosmic plastic deformation of LPSO phase and nanometer-sized dispersed C15 phase impeded dislocation movement, led to dislocation tangles, and facilitated recrystallization.
Zhenliang LiFei LiuAiping YuanBaoyu DuanYiming LiXiaowei Li