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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
Optimization of Stocking Density for the Sea Cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus Selenka, Under Feed-Supplement and Non-Feed-Supplement Regimes in Pond Culture被引量:10
Optimal stocking densities were investigated for the sea cucumber Apostichopusjaponicus Selenka under feed-supplement and non-feed-supplement regimes in net enclosures for 333 d. Substantial weight loss occurred during the aestivation phase (AE). Decreased growth rates were also observed during the winter phase (WT). In contrast, sea cucumbers showed rapid growth during the spring (SP) and autumn (AU) phases. Feeding regimes considerably influenced the growtb performance, i.e., sea cucumbers grew faster under feed-supplement regime than under non-feed-supplement regime (P 〈 0.05). The average survival rates of sea cucumbers under feed-supplement regime were higher than those under non-feed-supplement regime for both the autumn phase and spring phase, but the differences were only significant for the latter phase (P〈 0.05). The fitted B-N curves showed that the optimal stocking densities, in terms of net production, were 22.3 ind. m^-2 for feed-supplement regime and 14.1 ind. m^-2 for non-feed-supplement regime.
QIN ChuanxinDONG ShuanglinTAN FuyiTIAN XiangliWANG FangDONG YunweiGAO Qinfeng
采用行为学方法,对体长2-7 cm、体质量2-30 g的刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)在实验室水槽中自然光照下的行为特性进行观察,分别记录了刺参在水槽中无礁(对照组)和有礁区域的分布情况,并分析了不同形状、材料及距水槽底部不同空隙的人工参礁对刺参的诱集效果。实验观察发现,刺参在水槽中有明显的爬壁现象;-对礁体第一反应为寻找空隙或阴影处;-在PVC材料礁体中行为不稳定。正三棱柱无底无缝隙礁体处理组的平均聚集率(MAR),与对照组相比有极显著差异(P〈0.01),并显著高于有底有缝隙处理组和有底无缝隙处理组(P〈0.05);黏土材料礁体的MAR显著高于水泥材料和PVC材料(P〈0.05);距水槽底部3.4 cm的单片瓦片礁MAR与对照组相比差异极显著(P〈0.01),并显著高于距水槽底部0.8 cm的礁体(P〈0.05)。实验结果说明:1)实验所用人工参礁对刺参有很好的诱集效果;-2)刺参对礁体形状的选择主要取决于空隙大小和数量以及阴影处光亮度;3)刺参对礁体材料的选择主要取决于礁体表面的粗糙度;4)总体来说,刺参对礁体形状的选择优先于对礁体材料的选择。本研究旨在为今后刺参增养殖和资源保护以及人工参礁的设计开发等提供科学依据。
Seasonal Changes in Food Uptake by the Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicus in a Farm Pond: Evidence from C and N Stable Isotopes被引量:9
This study investigated the seasonal changes in carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stable isotope values of several typical food sources of Apostichopus japonicus in a farm pond, including particulate organic matter (POM), macroalgae, benthic microalgae and animals such as nematode and copepod. The stable isotope technique was used to quantify relative contributions of various sources to the food uptake by A. japonicus. The results showed that significant changes occurred in the C and N stable isotope values of sea cucumber food sources due to the seasonality of micro-or macroalgae prosperity and the fluctuation of environmental conditions. The sea cucumber A. japonicus exhibited corresponding alterations in feeding strategy in response to the changes in food conditions. Calculation with a stable isotope mixing model showed that macroalgae was the principal food source for A. japonicus throughout the 1-yr investigation, with the relative contribution averaging 28.1% - 63.2%. The relative contributions of other food sources such as copepod and nematode, POM, benthic microalgae to the total food uptake by sea cucumber averaged 22.6% - 39.1%, 6.3% - 22.2%, 2.8% - 6.5%, and 2.8% - 4.2%, respectively. Together these results indicated that the seasonal changes in food sources led to the obvious temporal differences in the relative contribution of various food sources utilized by A. japonicus. Such findings provide the basic scientific information for improving the aquaculture techniques of A. japonicus, particularly for optimizing the food environment of A. japonicus culture in farm ponds.
SUN ZhenlongGAO QinfengDONG ShuanglinPaul K. S. ShinWANG Fang
Ecological effects of co-culturing sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) with scallop Chlamys farreri in earthen ponds被引量:1
Monthly changes in sedimentation and sediment properties were studied for three different culture treatments: sea cucumber monoculture (Mc), sea cucumber and scallop polyculture (Ps-c) and scallop monoculture (Ms). Results indicated that the survival rate of sea cucumber was significantly higher in Ps-c cultures than in Mc cultures. Sea cucumber yield was 69.6% higher in Ps-c culture than in Mc culture. No significant differences in body weight and scallop shell length were found between Ps-c and Ms cultures. The mean sedimentation rate of total particulate matter (TPM) was 72.2 g/(m^2.d) in Ps-c cultures, with a maximum of 119.7 g/(mE.d), which was markedly higher than that of Mc (mean value). Sedimentation rates of organic matter (OM), total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in Ps-c cultures were also significantly higher than those in Mc cultures. TOC and TN contents of sediment increased rapidly in the first 5 months in Ms cultures and remained at a high level. TOC and TN contents in Mc and Ps-c cultures decreased during sea cucumber feeding seasons and increased during sea cucumber dormancy periods (summer and winter). The study demonstrates that co-culture of sea cucumber and scallop in earthen ponds is an alternative way to alleviate nutrient loads and improve water quality in coastal aquaculture systems. Moreover, it provides the additional benefit of an increased sea cucumber yield.
REN YichaoDONG ShuanglinQIN ChuanxinWANG FangTIAN XiangliGAO Qinfeng
2009年5-9月,对荣成靖海湾大型养殖池塘海蜇(Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye)养殖期间与养殖期前后底泥营养盐及大型底栖动物群落结构变化进行了研究。结果表明,7月份海蜇养殖期间,由于海蜇的避光性而产生的上下浮动的行为特征造成了对水体的扰动作用,与海蜇的生物沉积作用共同导致养殖海区(实验点)与邻近非养殖海区(对照点)之间各项底泥营养盐指标均存在显著性差异,其中,实验点氨氮(NH4-N)、硝氮(NO3-N)和沉降速率(sedimentation rate,SR)显著高于对照点,实验点叶绿素a(Chla)、总有机物(TOM)和总有机碳(TOC)含量显著低于对照点。多变量聚类分析结果表明,海蜇养殖对养殖池塘的大型底栖动物群落结构产生显著影响,并且7月份实验点大型底栖动物生物多样性指数(H')和均匀度指数(J)随海蜇放养显著增大,并显著高于对照点。大型底栖动物群落多样性指数与沉降速率(SR)和底泥TOM含量分别表现出显著正相关和负相关,而与其他营养盐指标无显著相关性。
人工参礁在中国刺参(Apostichopus japonicus(Selenka))养殖业中被广泛应用,本文调查了2008年春、秋季刺参池塘中一种塑料人工礁表面的生物群落结构。采用沉积物捕捉器的方法调查了刺参池塘人工礁表面碳、氮、磷的循环及参礁的生态特征。结果表明,春季礁体底栖动物生物量及生物多样性高于秋季,底栖动物均集中在礁体外表面的缝隙内,4月礁体表面颗粒物,底泥沉积物总有机碳(TOC)平均含量分别为41.9 mg/g和2.45 mg/g;总氮(TN)平均含量分别为4.1 mg/g和0.2 mg/g。10月礁体表面颗粒物,底泥沉积物TOC含量分别为27.5 mg/g和3.1 mg/g;TN平均含量分别3.1 mg/g和0.3 mg/g。4月TOC,TN沉积量分别达到711.2 mg/(m2.d)和70.7 mg/(m2.d);10月TOC,TN沉积量分别为804.9mg/(m2.d)和87.3 mg/(m2.d)。4月人工礁表面叶绿素/脱镁叶绿素(Chl a/Pheophytin)>1,表明礁体活体藻类较多。10月人工礁表面Chl a/Pheophytin<1表明礁体表面降解颗粒物质较多。人工礁为刺参提供遮蔽场所,其表面生物膜为刺参提供优质食物,同时可增加池塘底面积,增强养殖系统稳定性。
Ecological effects of co-culturing the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus with the Chinese white shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis in an earthen pond被引量:1
Using net enclosures in an earthen pond, we established three culture treatments with the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus and the Chinese white shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis : monoculture of sea cucumbers(C), monoculture of shrimp(S), and co-culture of the two species(CS). We measured levels of suspended particulate matter in the water column; total organic matter, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and carbon/nitrogen ratios in both settling particles and the sediment; and chlorophyll a levels in the sediment. We then compared these variables between the three treatments. We also examined growth, survival, and yield of the two species in the different treatments. From June to September, the mean monthly suspended particulate matter sedimentation rates in the CS and S treatments were significantly( P <0.05) greater than those in the C treatment. From August to November, the mean monthly total organic matter, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and chlorophyll a contents in the sediment in the CS and S treatments were significantly( P <0.05) greater than those in the C treatment. Final wet weight, specific growth rate, survival rate, and total yield of sea cucumbers in co-culture were all significantly greater than those of sea cucumbers in monoculture. There were no significant differences among any of these variables for shrimp reared in the two systems. The bioturbation of the sediment and fecal production of the shrimp likely supplied natural food for the sea cucumbers. Co-culture of the two species is a viable option for increasing yield per unit area, maximizing use of the water body, and diversifying crop production.
周顺任贻超Christopher M.PEARCE董双林田相利高勤峰王芳