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15 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
赵明宇陈军权刘煜IBRAHIM Ahmed闫晓理敦金平
The inversion of the real kinematic properties of coronal mass ejections by forward modeling被引量:3
Kinematic properties of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) suffer from projection effects,and it is expected that the real velocity should be larger and the real angular width should be smaller than the apparent values.Several attempts have been taken to correct the projection effects,which however led to an inflated average velocity probably due to the biased choice of CME events.In order to estimate the overall influence of the projection effects on the kinematic properties of the CMEs,we perform a forward modeling of real distributions of CME properties,such as the velocity,the angular width,and the latitude,by requiring their projected distributions to best match observations.Such a matching is conducted by Monte Carlo simulations.According to the derived real distributions,we found that (1) the average real velocity of all non-full-halo CMEs is about 514 km s-1,and the average real angular width is about 33°,in contrast to the corresponding apparent values of 418 km s-1 and 42.7° in observations;(2) For the CMEs with the angular width in the range of 20°-120°,the average real velocity is 510 km s-1 and the average real angular width is 43.4°,in contrast to the corresponding apparent values of 392 km s-1 and 52° in observations.
You Wu 1 and Peng-Fei Chen 1,2 1 Department of Astronomy,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China 2 Key Lab of Modern Astron.and Astrophys.,Ministry of Education,Nanjing 210093,China
A time series of filament eruptions observed by three eyes from space:from failed to successful eruptions被引量:2
We present stereoscopic observations of six sequential eruptions of a filament in the active region NOAA 11045 on 2010 Feb 8, with the advantage of the STEREO twin viewpoints in combination with Earth's viewpoint from SOHO instruments and ground-based telescopes. The last one of the six eruptions is a coronal mass ejection, but the others are not. The flare in this successful one is more intense than in the others. Moreover, the velocity of filament material in the successful one is also the largest among them. Interestingly, all the filament velocities are found to be proportional to the power of their flares. We calculate magnetic field intensity at low altitude, the decay indexes of the external field above the filament, and the asymmetry properties of the overlying fields before and after the failed eruptions and find little difference between them, indicating the same coronal confinement exists for both the failed and successful eruptions. The results suggest that, besides the confinement of the coronal magnetic field, the energy released in the low corona should be another crucial element affecting a failed or successful filament eruption. That is, a coronal mass ejection can only be launched if the energy released exceeds some critical value, given the same initial coronal conditions.
为配合大型太阳设备西部选址工作,研制了一架现代日晕光度计(Sky Brightness Monitor,SBM).前期实验对日晕光度计性能进行了测试,同时积累了云南部分址点的日晕数据.资料分析结果显示,轿子雪山正午前后的日晕水平最低可至日面中心强度百万分之几的量级(蓝波段).这表明该日晕光度计内部杂散光水平已达到了国际同类产品的标准.日晕光度计的内部杂散光源主要来自两部分:镜筒前端中性滤光片(ND4)固定套圈的边缘衍射(视场靠内区域)和镜筒内置光阑的边缘衍射(视场靠外区域).针对后者进行的变换光阑孔径大小试验结果证实,适当缩小光阑孔径可有效减小数据中视场靠外区域的衍射光干扰.
刘念平刘煜申远灯张雪飞曹文达Arnaud Jean
MHD Seismology of a loop-like filament tube by observed kink waves被引量:1
We report and analyze observational evidence of global kink oscillations in a solar filament as observed in Ha by instruments administered by National Solar Observatory (NSO)/Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG). An M1.1-class flare in active region (AR) 11692 occurred on 2013 March 15 and induced a global kink mode in the filament lying towards the southwest of AR 11692. We find periods of about 61-67 minutes and damping times of 92-117 minutes at positions of three ver- tical slices chosen in and around the filament apex. We find that the waves are damped. From the observed period of the global kink mode and damping timescale using the theory of resonant absorption, we perform prominence seismology. We estimate a lower cut-off value for the inhomogeneity length scale to be around 0.34-0.44 times the radius of the filament cross-section.
Vaibhav PantAbhishek K SrivastavaDipankar BanerjeeMarcel GoossensPeng-Fei ChenNavin Chandra JoshiYu-Hao Zhou
Interaction and eruption of two filaments observed by Hinode, SOHO, and STEREO被引量:2
We investigate the interaction between two filaments and the subsequent filament eruption event observed from different viewing angles by Hinode, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory. In the event, the two filaments rose high, interacted with each other, and finally were ejected along two different paths. We measure the bulk-flow velocity using spectroscopic data. We find significant outflows at the speed of a few hundreds of km s 1 during the filament eruption, and also some downflows at a few tens of km s-1 at the edge of the eruption region in the late stage of the eruption. The erupting material was composed of plasmas with a wide temperature range of 10-4–106 K. These results shed light on the filament nature and the coronal dynamics.
Ying LiMing-De Ding
Diagnostics of Ellerman bombs with high-resolution spectral data被引量:1
Ellerman bombs (EBs) are tiny brightenings often observed near sunspots. The most impressive characteristic of EB spectra is the two emission bumps in both wings of the Hα and Ca II 8542 A lines. High-resolution spectral data of three small EBs were obtained on 2013 June 6 with the largest solar telescope, the 1.6 m New Solar Telescope at the Big Bear Solar Observatory. The characteristics of these EBs are analyzed. The sizes of the EBs are in the range of 0.3" - 0.8" and their durations are only 3-5 min. Our semi-empirical atmospheric models indicate that the heating occurs around the temperature minimum region with a temperature increase of 2700- 3000 K, which is surprisingly higher than previously thought. The radiative and kinetic energies are estimated to be as high as 5 × 1025 - 3.0 × 10^26 erg despite the small size of these EBs. Observations of the magnetic field show that the EBs just appeared in a parasitic region with mixed polarities and were accompanied by mass motions. Nonlinear force-free field extrapolation reveals that the three EBs are connected with a series of magnetic field lines associated with bald patches, which strongly implies that these EBs should be produced by magnetic reconnection in the solar lower atmosphere. According to the lightcurves and the estimated magnetic reconnection rate, we propose that there is a three phase process in EBs: pre-heating, flaring and cooling phases.
Zhen LiCheng FangYang GuoPeng-Fei ChenZhi XuWen-Da Cao
Hαcounterparts of X-ray bright points in the solar atmosphere
X-ray bright points (XBPs) are small-scale brightenings in the solar corona. Their counterparts in the lower atmosphere, how- ever, are poorly investigated. In this paper, we study the counterparts of XBPs in the upper chromosphere where the Hot line center is formed. The XBPs were observed by the X-ray Telescope (XRT) aboard the Hinode spacecraft during the observing plan (HOP0124) in August 2009, coordinated with the Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART) in the Kwasan and Hida Observatory, Kyoto University. It is found that there are 77 Hot brightenings in the same field of view of XRT, and among 57 XBPs, 29 have counterparts in the Hot channel. We found three types of relationship: Types a, b and c, correspond- ing to XBPs appearing first, Hot brightenings occurring first and no respective correspondence between them. Most of the strong XBPs belong to Type a. The Hot counterparts generally have double-kernel structures associated with magnetic bipoles and are cospatial with the footpoints of the XBP loops. The average lag time is -3 minutes. This implies that for Type a the heating, presumably through magnetic reconnection, occurs first in the solar upper atmosphere and then goes downwards along the small-scale magnetic loops that comprise the XBPs. In this case, the thermal conduction plays a dominant role over the non-thermal heating. Only a few events belong to Type b, which could happen when magnetic reconnection occurs in the chromosphere and produces an upward jet which heats the upper atmosphere and causes the XBP. About half of the XBPs belong to Type c. Generally they have weak emission in SXR. About 62% Hot brightenings have no corresponding XBPs. Most of them are weak and have single structures.
Recent progress of solar physics research in China被引量:14
Owing to the largely improved facilities and working conditions, solar physics research in China has recently shown marked development. This paper reports on the recent progress of solar physics research in China's Mainland, mainly focusing on several hot issues, including instrumentations, magnetic field observations and research, solar flares, filaments and their eruptions, coronal mass ejections and related processes, as well as active regions and the corona, small-scale phenomena, solar activity and its predictions. A vision of the future is also described.
Cheng Fang 1 School of Astronomy and Space Science,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China