We use the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method to investigate systematically the segment density profiles of compact polymer chains confined between two parallel plane walls. The non-adsorption case of adsorption interaction energy ε = 0 and the weak adsorption case of ε= -1 are considered for the compact polymer chains with different chain lengths N and different separation distances between two walls D. Several special entropy effects on the confined compact polymer chains, such as a damped oscillation in the segment density profile for the large separation distance D, are observed and discussed for different separation distances D in the non-adsorption case. In the weak adsorption case, investigations on the segment density profiles indicate that the competition between the entropy and adsorption effects results in an obvious depletion layer. Moreover, the scaling laws of the damped oscillation period Td and the depletion layer width Ld are obtained for the confined compact chains. Most of these results are obtained for the first time so far as we know, which are expected to understand the properties of the confined compact polymer chains more completely.