Iron aluminide intermetallic coatings were prepared from Fe-Al/Cr3C2 cored wires using High Velocity Are Spraying ( HVAS ) technology. Erosion and corrosion properties of HVAS sprayed Fe-Al/Cr3C2 coatings were investigated. Results show that the erosion at impingement angle of 30°is more than that of 90°. The erosion resistance of coatings was enhanced uith the inereaase of temperature. Coatings had a better erosion resislance than substrwles. The erosion changed from ductile behariors to brittle behaviors above 450℃ . At high temperature, the erosion resistances were superior to those at low temperwlure and roonl temperwlure. Cowlings had much higher corrosion properties than substrates. The temperature had a little effect on the corrosion resistance of coatings ; The corrosion losing of cowlings increased slowly with the increase of corrosion time. The HVAS-sprayed Fe-Al/Cr3C2 coatings exhibited a high bond strength and hardness.