Isopropyl alcohol matrix effect was found to be element specific by using the defined matrix effect factor in ICP-MS, which could not be corrected by using the conventional internal reference method. Unlike the conventional internal reference method, the presented method allows for the analyte to behave differently from the internal reference under the influence of the matrix.
Zhao Chu HuShan GaoSheng Hong HuYong Sheng LiuHai Hong Chen
Trace element compositions of garnet, omphacite and apatite in ultrahigh-pressure eclogites from the main hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) project were in situ analyzed by the LA-ICP-MS method. Although both garnet and omphacite have homogeneous major element composi-tions, their trace elements show zonations from core to rim in rare earth elements. In particular, middle rare earth elements in the garnet, heavy rare earth elements in the apatite and all rare earth elements in the omphacite increase from core to rim, respectively. Based on dependence of partition coefficients on temperature and pressure in these minerals, we suggest that the trace elemental zonations in these minerals may record a short-lived heating event during exhumation.