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17 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
【目的】氮素是生命活动的必需元素,也是生态系统变化的主要因子。定量氮素的来源和贡献,并确定未来的发展方向是协调中国资源、环境与粮食安全的重要内容。【方法】通过食物链模型分析中国陆地生态系统中氮素来源的构成、特点和变化,以及氮素投入变化对农业生产、人体营养改善的贡献,并通过国内外综合比较提出了未来中国氮素管理的重点方向。【结果】中国已是世界上最大的氮肥生产和消费国,对近二十年全球氮肥产用量增长的贡献达61%和52%。氮肥已占中国陆地生态系统氮素输入量的72%,中国人蛋白质消费量中有56%来自于氮肥,氮肥等新技术的增产作用相当于将人均耕地面积从0.08 hm2提高到了0.52 hm2,扩大了6.5倍,这是中国以全球10%的土地资源、21%的灌溉面积养活20%的人口并不断提高生活水平的关键。但目前中国氮肥生产量超过了消费量、而消费量超过作物最高产量需求量,农业系统中的氮肥盈余量已经达到175 kg.hm-2,成为环境污染因子。【结论】中国需要尽快转变发展方式,从鼓励施肥转向控制施肥,以同时实现增产和环保;从满足化肥供应数量转向提高质量,加强节能和产品优化工作;从单一促进农业管理转向能源、农业和环境管理的同步。
Cell Production and Expansion in the Primary Root of Maize in Response to Low-Nitrogen Stress被引量:5
Maize plants respond to low-nitrogen stress by enhancing root elongation. The underlying physiological mechanism remains unknown. Seedlings of maize (Zea mays L., cv. Zhengdan 958) were grown in hydroponics with the control (4 mmol L-1) or low-nitrogen (40 μmol L-1) for 12 d, supplied as nitrate. Low nitrogen enhanced root elongation rate by 4.1-fold, accompanied by increases in cell production rate by 2.2-fold, maximal elemental elongation rate (by 2.5-fold), the length of elongation zone (by 1.5-fold), and ifnal cell length by 1.8-fold. On low nitrogen, the higher cell production rate resulted from a higher cell division rate and in fact the number of dividing cells was reduced. Consequently, the residence time of a cell in the division zone tended to be shorter under low nitrogen. In addition, low nitrogen increased root diameter, an increase that occurred speciifcally in the cortex and was accompanied by an increase in cell number. It is concluded that roots elongates in response to low-nitrogen stress by accelerating cell production and expansion.
GAO KunCHEN Fan-junYUAN Li-xingMI Guo-hua
Evaluation of the yield and nitrogen use efficiency of the dominant maize hybrids grown in North and Northeast China被引量:29
Breeding high-yielding and nutrient-efficient cultivars is one strategy to simultaneously resolve the problems of food security,resource shortage,and environmental pollution.However,the potential increased yield and reduction in fertilizer input achievable by using high-yielding and nutrient-efficient cultivars is unclear.In the present study,we evaluated the yield and nitrogen use efficiency(NUE) of 40 commercial maize hybrids at five locations in North and Northeast China in 2008 and 2009.The effect of interaction between genotype and nitrogen(N) input on maize yield was significant when the yield reduction under low-N treatment was 25%-60%.Based on the average yields achieved with high or low N application,the tested cultivars were classified into four types based on their NUE:efficient-efficient(EE) were efficient under both low and high N inputs,high-N efficient(HNE) under only high N input,low-N efficient(LNE) under only low N input,and nonefficient-nonefficient under neither low nor high N inputs.Under high N application,EE and HNE cultivars could potentially increase maize yield by 8%-10% and reduce N input by 16%-21%.Under low N application,LNE cultivars could potentially increase maize yield by 12%.We concluded that breeding for N-efficient cultivars is a feasible strategy to increase maize yield and/or reduce N input.
CHEN FanJunFANG ZenGuoGAO QiangYE YouLiangJIA LiangLiangYUAN LiXingMI GuoHuaZHANG FuSuo
Role of Carbon Substrates Added in the Transformation of Surplus Nitrate to Organic Nitrogen in a Calcareous Soil被引量:8
Excessive amounts of nitrate have accumulated in many soils on the North China Plain due to the large amounts of chemical N fertilizers or manures used in combination with low carbon inputs. We investigated the potential of different carbon substrates added to transform soil nitrate into soil organic N (SON). A 56-d laboratory incubation experiment using the 15N tracer (K15NO3) technique was carried out to elucidate the proportion of SON derived from accumulated soil nitrate following amendment with glucose or maize straw at controlled soil temperature and moisture. The dynamics and isotopic abundance of mineral N (NO3 and NH4+) and SON and greenhouse gas (N20 and CO2) emissions during the incubation were investigated. Although carbon amendments markedly stimulated transformation of nitrate to newly formed SON, this was only a substitution effect of the newly formed SON with native SON because SON at the end of the incubation period was not significantly different (P 〉 0.05) from that in control soil without added C. At the end of the incubation period, amendment with glucose, a readily available C source, increased nitrate immobilization by 2.65 times and total N20-N emission by 33.7 times, as compared with maize straw amendment. Moreover, the differences in SON and total N20-N emission between the treatments with glucose and maize straw were significant (P 〈 0.05). However, the total N20-N emission in the straw treatment was not significantly (P ~ 0.05) greater than that in the control. Straw amendment may be a potential option in agricultural practice for transformation of nitrate N to SON and minimization of N20 emitted as well as restriction of NO3-N leaching.
Elucidating Variations in Nitrogen Requirement According to Yield, Variety and Cropping System for Chinese Rice Production被引量:8
Better understanding of the factors that influence crop nitrogen(N) requirement plays an important role in improving regional N recommendations for rice(Oryza sativa L.) production. We collected data from 1 280 plot-level measurements in different reaches of the Yangtze River, China to determine which factors contributed to variability in N requirement in rice. Yield, variety, and cropping system were significantly related to N requirement. The N requirement remained consistent at about 18.6 kg N Mg^(-1)grain as grain yield increased from 7 to 9 Mg ha^(-1), then decreased to 18.1, 16.9, and 15.9 kg N Mg^(-1)grain as yield increased to 9–10, 10–11, and > 11 Mg ha^(-1), respectively. The decreased requirement for N with increasing yield was attributable to declining N concentrations in grain and straw and increased harvest index. Super rice variety had lower N requirement(17.7 kg N Mg^(-1)grain) than ordinary inbred and hybrid varieties(18.5 and 18.3 kg N Mg^(-1)grain, respectively), which was a result of lower grain and straw N concentrations of super rice. The N requirements were 19.2, 17.8, and 17.5 kg N Mg^(-1)grain for early, middle, and late rice cropping systems, respectively. In conclusion, the rice N requirement was affected by multiple factors, including yield, variety, and cropping system, all of which should be considered when planning for optimal N management.
ZHANG YiCHEN XinpingMA WenqiCUI Zhenling
Varietal Differences in Plant Growth, Phosphorus Uptake and Yield Formation in Two Maize Inbred Lines Grown Under Field Conditions被引量:4
Selection for phosphorus (P)-efficient genotypes and investigation of physiological mechanisms for P-use efficiency in maize has mainly been conducted at the seedling stage under controlled greenhouse conditions. Few studies have analyzed characteristics of plant growth and yield formation in response to low-P stress over the whore growth period under field conditions. In the present study, two maize inbred lines with contrasting yield performances under low-P stress in the field were used to compare plant growth, P uptake and translocation, and yield formation. Phosphorus accumulation in the P-efficient line 154 was similar to that of line 153 under high-P. Under low-P, however, P uptake in line 154 was three times greater than that in line 153. Correspondingly, P-efficient line 154 had a significantly higher yield than P-inefficient line 153 under low-P conditions (Olsen-P=1.60 mg kg-1), but not under high-P conditions (Olsen-P=14.98 mg kg-1). The yield difference was mainly due to differences in the number of ears per m2, that is, P-efficient line 154 formed many more ears under low-P conditions than P-inefficient line 153. Ear abortion rate was 53% in the P-inefficient line 153, while in line 154, it was only 30%. Low-P stress reduced leaf appearance, and delayed anthesis and the silking stage, but increased the anthesis-silking interval (ASI) to a similar extent in both lines. The maximum leaf area per plant at silking stage was higher in P-efficient line 154 than in P-inefficient line 153 under both P conditions. It is concluded that low-P stress causes intense intraspecific competition for limited P resources in the field condition which gives rise to plant-to- plant non-uniformity, resulting in a higher proportion of barren plants. As soon as an ear was formed in the plant, P in the plant is efficiently reutilized for kernel development.
CHEN Fan-junLIU Xiang-shengMI Guo-hua
Combined Applications of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizers with Manure Increase Maize Yield and Nutrient Uptake via Stimulating Root Growth in a Long-Term Experiment被引量:30
Imbalanced application of nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) fertilizers can result in reduced crop yield,low nutrient use efficiency,and high loss of nutrients and soil nitrate nitrogen(NO_3^--N) accumulation decreases when N is applied with P and/or manure;however,the effect of applications of N with P and/or manure on root growth and distribution in the soil profile is not fully understood.The aim of this study was to investigate the combined effects of different N and P fertilizer application rates with or without manure on maize(Zea mays L.) yield,N uptake,root growth,apparent N surplus,Olsen-P concentration,and mineral N(N_(min)) accumulation in a fluvo-aquic calcareous soil from a long-term(28-year) experiment.The experiment comprised twelve combinations of chemical N and P fertilizers,either with or without chicken manure,as treatments in four replicates.The yield of maize grain was 82%higher,the N uptake 100%higher,and the N_(min) accumulation 39%lower in the treatments with combined N and P in comparison to N fertilizer only.The maize root length density in the 30-60 cm layer was three times greater in the treatments with N and P fertilizers than with N fertilizer only.Manure addition increased maize yield by 50%and N uptake by 43%,and reduced N_(min)(mostly NO_3^--N) accumulation in the soil by 46%.The long-term application of manure and P fertilizer resulted in significant increases in soil Olsen-P concentration when no N fertilizer was applied.Manure application reduced the apparent N surplus for all treatments.These results suggest that combined N and P fertilizer applications could enhance maize grain yield and nutrient uptake via stimulating root growth,leading to reduced accumulation of potentially leachable NO_3^--N in soil,and manure application was a practical way to improve degraded soils in China and the rest of the world.
WEN ZhihuiSHEN JianboMartin BLACKWELLLI HaigangZHAO BingqiangYUAN Huimin
Contribution of Root Proliferation in Nutrient-Rich Soil Patches to Nutrient Uptake and Growth of Maize被引量:19
Root proliferation can be stimulated in a heterogeneous nutrient patch; however, the functions of the root proliferation in the nutrient-rich soil patches are not fully understood. In the present study, a two-year field experiment was conducted to examine the comparative effects of localized application of ammonium and phosphorus (P) at early or late stages on root growth, nutrient uptake, and biomass of maize (Zea mays L.) on a calcareous soil in an intensive farming system. Localized supply of ammonium and P had a more evident effect on shoot and root growth, and especially stimulated fine root development at the early seedling stage, with most of the maize roots being allocated to the nutrient-rich patch in the topsoil. Although localized ammonium and P supply at the late stage also enhanced the fine root growth, the plant roots in the patch accounted for a low proportion of the whole maize roots in the topsoil at the flowering stage. Compared with the early stage, fine root length in the short-lived nutrient patch decreased by 44%-62% and the shoot dry weight was not different between heterogeneous and homogeneous nutrient supply at the late growth stage. Localized supply of ammonium and P significantly increased N and P accumulation by maize at 35 and 47 days after sowing (DAS); however, no significant difference was found among the treatments at 82 DAS and the later growth stages. The increased nutrient uptake and plant growth was related to the higher proportion of root length in the localized nutrient-enriched patch. The results indicated that root proliferation in nutrient patches contributed more to maize growth and nutrient uptake at the early than late stages.
LI Hong-BoZHANG Fu-SuoSHEN Jian-Bo