The results of a study of event tagging strategies for elementary physics processes in the T-charm region are presented. The algorithm for online event filtering is optimized by adopting the information provided by different sub-detectors according to their strengths and capacities. The algorithm is tested with various generated physics and background events. The results indicate that the algorithm satisfies the requirements of BESⅢ physics analysis and its DAQ system.
The calibration algorithm for RPC-based muon detector at BESIII has been developed. The calibration method, calibration error and algorithm performance are studied. The primary results of efficiency and noise at layer, module and strip levels have been calibrated with cosmic ray data. The calibration constants are available for simulation and reconstruction tuning. The results of Monte Carlo and data are also compared to check the validation and reliability of the algorithm.
Using ~ 14 × 10^6 ψ(2S) and ~ 58 × 10^ J/ ψ data collected at BES Ⅱ/BEPC, the branching fraction of ψ(2S)→Ω-Ω^+ is measured with about 5a statistical significance. The A electric dipole and ∧ decay parameter are studied using the decay J/ψ →∧∧→ ppπ^+π^-. Using (106±3)× 10^6 ψ(2S) decays collected at BESⅢ/BEPC Ⅱ, we have obtained some interesting physics results. The branching fractions of XcJ→π^0π^0, ηη are measured with precision improved. The mass and width of he(l^1P1) state, together with the branching fractions of Br(ψ(2S) →π^0hc) and Br(hc →γηc) are the first measurements. Surprisingly, the decays of Xc1→φφ, ωω, and ωφ are firstly observed in BESⅢ data.
The absolute energy calibration with photons from π0's for the BESⅢ EMC is discussed. Using 3 million hadronic events, the preliminary results are presented. Precision of about 1% in the photon energy measurement is obtained from crossing check using photons in ψ(2S)→γχc1,2(1P).