The α preformation factor and penetration probability have been analyzed for even-even nuclei of Po, Rn, Ra using experimental released energies and α decay half-lives in the frame of the double folding model. It is shown that N = 126 is a neutron magic number from α preformation and shell effects play an important role in α preformation, The closer the nucleon number is to the magic number, the more difficult α formation in the parent nucleus is. The preformation factor can supply information on the nuclear structure and the penetration probability mainly determines α decay half-life.
α decay half-lives of some new synthesized superheavy elements, possibly synthesized superheavy elements and decay products are calculated theoretically within the WKB approximation by using microscopic α-nucleus interaction potentials. These nuclear potentials between the α particle and daughter nuclei are obtained by using the double folding integral of the matter density distribution of the α particle and daughter nuclei with a density-dependent effective nucleon-nucleon interaction, in which the zero-range exchange term is supplemented. The calculated α decay half-lives are compared with those of the different models and experimental data. It is shown that the present calculation successfully provides the half-lives of the observed decays for some new superheavy elements and therefore gives reliable predictions for α decay of possibly synthesized superheavy elements in future experiments.
Nucleus-nucleus potentials are determined in the framework of double folding model for M3Y-Reid and M3Y- Paris effective nucleon-nucleon (NN) interactions. Both zero-range and finite-range exchange parts of NN interactions are considered in the folding procedure. In this paper the spherical projectile-spherical target system 16O+^2008Pb is selected for calculating the barrier energies, fusion cross sections and barrier distributions with the density-independent and density-dependent NN interactions on the basis of M3Y-Reid and M3Y Paris NN interactions. The barrier energies become lower for Paris NN interactions in comparison with Reid NN interactions, and also for finite-range exchange part in comparison with zero-range exchange part. The density-dependent NN interactions give similar fusion cross sections and barrier distributions, and the density-independent NN interaction causes the barrier distribution moving to a higher position. However, the density-independent Reid NN interaction with zero-range exchange part gives the lowest fusion cross sections. We find that the calculated fusion cross sections and the barrier distributions are in agreement with the experimental data after renormalization of the nuclear potential due to coupled-channel effect.
The interaction potential between a spherical and a deformed nucleus is calculated within the double-folding model for deformed nuclei. We solve the double folding potential numerically by using the truncated multipole expansion method. The shape, separation and orientation dependence of the interaction potential, fusion cross section and barrier distribution of the system ^16O+^154Sm are investigated by considering the quadrupole and hexadecapole deformations of ^154Sm. It is shown that the height and the position of the barrier depend strongly on the deformation and the orientation angles of the deformed nucleus. These are quite important quantities for heavy-ion fusion reactions, and hence produce great effects on the fusion cross section and barrier distribution.
This paper derives the expressions for the ordering degree and the modulation factor of A and B atoms in AXB1-xC epilayers of ternary III-V semiconductor alloys. Using these expressions, it identifies quantitatively the alternating atom-enhanced planes, compositional modulations, atomic ordering degree on the group-III sublattices and the fine structure of NMR spectra.