An additional lower hybrid wave (LHW) with a higher refractive index (N//) was investigated in the HT-7 tokamak to bridge the spectral gap. It was found that the spectral gap between the wave and the electrons in the outer region was bridged by the additional wave with a higher N// spectrum. The results showed that the sawteeth oscillation was suppressed by launching the additional wave, and that the power deposition profile was moved outwards and the current profile was broadened due to the application of the additional wave. Our study indicates that the spectral gap may be bridged by an additional wave with a higher N// spectrum in the outer region.
The coupling of lower hybrid wave to the plasma is a crucial issue for efficient current drive in tokamaks. This paper establishes a new coupling model which assumes the antenna to be a curved face and the plasma to be a cylinder. Power spectrum considering the coupling between wave-guides in both poloidal and toroidal direction is simply estimated and discussed. The effect of the poloidal wave vector on wave propagation, power deposition and driven current is also investigated with the help of lower hybrid current drive code. Results show that the poloidal wave vector affects the ray tracing, and also has effect on power deposition and driven current. The effect of the poloidal wave vector on power deposition and driven current profile depends on plasma parameters. Preliminary studies suggest that it seems possible to control the current profile by adjusting the poloidal phase difference between the waveguide in poloidal direction.