应用SYBR Green Ⅰ荧光显微镜计数法,研究了贵州阿哈湖和百花湖细菌和病毒丰度的垂直分布特征,探讨了它们与温度、pH、溶解氧(DO)、电导率和溶解有机碳(DOC)之间的关系。两湖DOC的浓度范围为1.48~2.96mg.L-1,细菌丰度为(3.32~16.6)×106个.ml-1,病毒丰度为(1.87~12.5)×107个.ml-1,病毒丰度与细菌丰度的比值(VBR)变化范围为4.09~12.77,平均值均为百花湖(BH)>阿哈湖入湖区(AHB)>阿哈湖湖心区(AHA)。细菌和病毒丰度由湖水表层至底层呈减少趋势。两湖细菌丰度均与温度、pH、DO呈显著正相关,与电导率呈显著负相关,且与病毒丰度呈极显著性正相关。阿哈湖细菌丰度与DOC显著正相关。在阿哈湖湖心区,病毒丰度与DOC呈显著正相关。在阿哈湖入湖区,病毒丰度与DOC无相关性。百花湖中,细菌、病毒丰度均与DOC无相关性。
In this work, the distribution of organic carbon, DNA and lipids in the sediments of Hongfeng Reservoir were described in addition to SO42? profile in pore water. The con- tents of organic carbon in the sediments range from 23.3 to 76.8 mg·g?1, with the peak value appearing at the depth of 8 cm bellow the sediments water interface (SWI), and tend to decrease gradually with sedimentation depth. The concentra- tions of SO42? decreased from 40.50 mg·L?1 to 12.00 mg·L?1 at SWI in top 4 cm sediment, and was kept at 12.0 mg·L?1 bel- low that depth. Newly produced organic carbon can be con- served as long as 14 years in the sediments. The contents of DNA were relatively high in top 9 cm surface sediments, as revealed by agarose gel images, close to those of organic car- bon and sulphate reduction index (SRI). This study shows that bacteria played an important role in organic matter degradation; SO42? is the primary electron acceptor under anaerobic condition in this reservoir; DNA in the lake sedi- ments can provide important information for the study of cycling of nutrient elements in the lake.