【目的】基于棉花形态器官形成过程的定量描述,模拟棉花三维生长过程,为虚拟棉作研究提供技术基础。【方法】基于2005-2006年棉花品种、播期、氮素、水分和DPC化控试验,将系统分析方法和数学建模技术应用于棉花植株的形态建成,通过对棉花形态数据的定量分析,构建了棉花形态建成模型,主要包括:主茎叶长宽、主茎叶柄长、主茎节间长粗、果枝叶长宽、果枝叶柄长、果节长粗以及棉铃高度和直径等模型。结合OpenGL技术,在Visual C++6.0平台上实现了棉花虚拟生长系统VGSC(virtual growth system for cotton)。【结果】棉花形态模型采用Logistic方程描述各器官尺寸随GDD(生长度日,℃·d)、氮素、水分及DPC的动态变化过程,利用2006年的试验数据对模型进行检验,棉花主茎叶长宽、主茎叶柄长、主茎节间长粗、果枝叶长宽、果枝叶柄长、果节长粗以及棉铃高度和直径的观测值与模拟值的根均方差分别为0.85、0.82、0.87、0.57、0.086、0.65、0.74、0.8、0.73、0.016、0.36和0.4cm,模型预测性好。此外,以NURBS(non-uniform rational B-spline,非均匀有理B样条)曲面模拟棉花叶片及棉铃形状,以圆柱体实现茎(节)可视化表达,构建的虚拟生长系统主要包括模型库、数据库和人机界面。【结论】用户输入系统所需的相关参数值,就可较好地模拟显示棉花器官、个体和群体的三维动态生长过程。
Crop performance is determined by the combined effects of the genotype of the crop and the environmental conditions of the production system. This study was undertaken to develop a dynamic model for simulating environmental (temperature and solar radiation) and N supply effects on fiber fineness, maturity and micronaire. Three different experiments involving genotypes, sowing dates, and N fertilization rates were conducted to support model development and model evaluation. The growth and development duration of fiber fineness, maturity, and micronaire were scaled by using physiological development time of secondary wall synthesis (PDT SWSP ), which was determined based on the constant ratio of SWSP/ BMP. PTP (product of relative thermal effectiveness (RTE) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), MJ m-2) and subtending leaf N content per unit area (N A , g m-2) and critical subtending leaf N content per unit area (CN A , g m-2) of cotton boll were calculated or simulated to evaluate effects of temperature and radiation, and N supply. Besides, the interactions among temperature, radiation and N supply were also explained by piecewise function. The overall performance of the model was calibrated and validated with independent data sets from three field experiments with two sowing dates, three or five flowering dates and three or four N fertilization rates for three subsequent years (2005, 2007, and 2009) at three ecological locations. The average RMSE and RE for fiber fineness, maturity, and micronaire predictions were 372 m g-1 and 5.0%, 0.11 m g-1 and 11.4%, 0.3 m g-1 and 12.3%, respectively, indicating a good fit between the simulated and observed data. It appears that the model can give a reliable prediction for fiber fineness, maturity and micronaire formation under various growing conditions.