Both π and σ transition states on the potential energy surface of the nitration of benzene with nitronium ion have been successfully optimized using unrestricted hybrid DFT procedure B3LYP with the triple-zeta 6-311G ** basis set without any assumption. Subsequently, a σreactant-complex and a σ intermediate (Wheland intermediate) were located by the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) calculation. The reaction pathway and the experimental observation lacking the kinetic isotopic effect in the title nitration were confirmed on geometries, atomic charges, energies, IR spectra and thermodynamic properties of all stationary points. The activation energy of 8.370 kJ/mol in the gas phase and the order of 1010 mol η L-1 η s-1 of rate constant were obtained for the reaction. The results both in thermodynamics and kinetics show that the electrophilic substitute mechanism is more preferable than the electron transfer mechanism of radical pairs. The solvent effect on the geometries of stationary points and the reaction mechanism were systematically studied for the nitration of benzene with nitronium by self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) technique with different dielectric constants of 5.0, 25.0, 50.0 and 78.5. It was then found that the solvent effect would depress the activation energy and finally make the formation of σ-TS without energy barrier in aqueous solution. Furthermore, the linear correlations given by charge migrations of NO2 group, dipole moments of solute, gaps of HOMO and LUMO and solvent stabilization energies in different solvents were demonstrated for both theoretically and experimentally concerned Wheland intermediate.
Tetrazole monomers (Ⅰ, Ⅱ) and all of their possible stable dimers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) were fully optimized by DFT method at the B3LYP/6-311++G^** level. Among the eight dimers, there were two 1H-tetrazole dimers, three 2H-tetrazole dimers and three hetero dimers of 1H-tetrazole and 2H-tetrazole. Vibrational frequencies were calculated to ascertain that each structure was stable (no imaginary frequencies). The basis set superposition errors (BSSE) are 2.78, 2.28, 2.97, 2.75, 2.74, 2.18, 1.23 and 3.10 kJ/mol, and the zero point energy (ZPE) corrections for the interaction energies are 4.88, 4.18, 3.87, 3.65, 3.54, 3.22, 2.87 and 4.34 kJ/mol for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, respectively. After BSSE and ZPE corrections, the greatest corrected intermolecular interaction energy of the dimers is -43.71 kJ/mol. The charge redistribution mainly occurs on the adjacent N-H…N atoms between submolecules. The charge transfer between two subsystems is very small. Natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis was performed to reveal the origin of the interaction. Based on the statistical thermodynamic method, the standard thermodynamic functions, heat capacities (C^0P), entropies (S^0T) and thermal corrections to enthalpy (H^0T), and the changes of thermodynamic properties from monomer to dimer in the temperature range of 200.00 K to 700 K have been obtained. 1H-tetrazole monomer can spontaneously turn into two stable dimers at 298.15 K.
The energy bands, electronic structures and relationship between structures and properties of the crystalline alkali metal azides, LiN3, α-NaN3 and KN3, are investigated at the DFT-B3LYP level. The crystalline bulks are predicted to be insulator, speculated from their band gaps of ca. 0.23-0.25 a.u. and from their level frontier bands. The atomic overlaps and electron densities show that the metals and the azides are combined by ionic bonds. The crystal lattice energies, being corrected for the basis set superposition errors, are -852.30, -771.45 and - 614.78 kJ·mol-1 for LiN3, a-NaN3 and KN3 respectively. These values are similar to those by Gray’s approximate method. The frontier crystal orbital mainly consists of the atomic orbital of the terminal nitrogen of azides. The contribution of the metallic orbital to the LUMO is very small. The electron transition from the HOMO to the LUMO is difficult to occur. Hence all the alkali metal azides are expected to be insensitive explosives, according to the '
The molecular simulations of the well-known high explosive β-HMX (cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine) anditsfluorine containing polymer-bonded explosives(PBXs) were carried out with the combination method of quantum mechanics, molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics. The atomic cluster model, containing the β-HMX molecule and the polymer molecule whose chain dimension was about the same as β-HMX’s, was fully optimized by AM1 and PM3 semi-empirical molecular orbital and molecular mechanical methods using COMPASS and PCFF force field. Then the calculated binding energy is found to be linearly correlated to each other. Molecular dynamics simulations using COM- PASS force field were performed for β-HMX crystal and the PBXs involving β-HMX and a series of fluorine containing polymers. Their elastic coefficients, moduli and Poisson’s ratios were calculated. It is found that the mechanical prop- erties of β-HMX can be effectively improved by blending with fluorine containing polymers in small amounts.
The energy bands,electronic structures of CuN3 and AgN3 crystallines were investigated by periodic ab initio method.The charge density projection shows that there are overlaps of isodensities between the terminal nitrogen and metallic ion,indicating that the metals and the azides are combined by covalent bonds.The crystal lattice energies are-781.05 and-840.83 kJ/mol for CuN3 and AgN3 respectively.These results approach the data obtained by Gray′s approximate method.The frontier crystal orbital mainly consists of the atomic orbital of azide′s terminal nitrogen.The energy gap for AgN3 is smaller than that of CuN3,and the highest occupied crystal orbitals of AgN-3 consist of both the atomic orbitals of the terminal nitrogen in azide and the silver ion,which facilitates the electron to leap from terminal nitrogen in azide to metallic ion directly.Hence silver azide is slightly more sensitive than copper azide.The elastic coefficients C11,C22 and C33 of CuN3 are predicted to be 96.52,96.86 and 154.06 GPa,C11 and C22 of AgN3 are 303.29 and 138.80 GPa.