Through dual quadratic rotary regression orthogonal design experiment with four factors,the effects of microwave power,microwave pretreatment time,the amount of ethanol and ethanol concentration on the yield of total alkaloid were investigated,and a mathematical model describing the relationship between the yield of total alkaloid and influence parameters was developed.Results showed that the regression equation is significant.The optimum extracting conditions were obtained that the microwave power was 500W,pretreatment time was 95s,the volume of ethanol was 9.8mL and ethanol concentration was 0.66,under which the yield of total alkaloid was 690.4μg/g.
采用正交试验探讨以水为溶剂,从叶下珠中提取多糖的最佳工艺条件,以多糖得率为指标,考察了提取温度、m(水)/m(叶下珠粉)、提取时间和提取次数等4个因素对萃取效果的影响,实验结果表明:在本实验范围内,提取叶下珠中多糖的最佳工艺条件为:采用水为溶剂、浸提温度为80℃、m(水)/m(叶下珠粉)为15、提取时间为90 m in,共提取3次,在此条件下,多糖得率为6.1%。